Mar 19, 2005 16:28
its sooooo cold..... friend left her hotmeal in english class ovr the happened to be fish..and apparently the cleaners dont clean tht class..soo now we have a english class wid this beauuuutiful odour...nice
my daddy's leavin 2moro 4 business...**sniff**...well not reaaly cuz i gave him a whole shopping list of things for moi... o btw abt the rugby..did wales beat england????? i soo hafta email actually is borderin on borin w/out her...nadoiee cut her hair sooo short...she looks good but um..scary...plz dont kill me....i saw a dead was all squished and i was gonna ...i did... scream....we squished a cat..ROADKILLLLLLL...i like cats...**sniff**