Feb 29, 2004 11:01
To quit or not to quit, that is the question.
Ok, being the genius at scheduling that I am, I decided to join senior musical.
Senior musical rehearses Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
Thursday evenings I would usually have free, but Monday evenings I have Youth Symphony, and Tuesday evenings I have Festival Orchestra. They're a little more laid back at Youth Symphony, but Festival Orchestra has a pretty strict attendance policy.
The thing is, last week my rehearsals started, and I missed both Youth Symphony and Festival Orchestra. I have two absences in YS, cause I was "sick" two weeks before that, but I have only one absence at Festival. EXCEPT my dad is never on time picking us up, so I've been late twice, which counts as one absence. So I have the maximum number of absenses, and that's the max- three strikes you're out.
And guess what? Rehearsals monday, tuesday and thursday this week, and none the week after, but I think basically every week following until the show.
Senior musical has their own little attendence policy too- max of three absences. I already missed one on Thursday cause i was in Cali, and I'm definitely going to have to miss the Tuesday before the Hoff concert, cause I can't miss any Thursdays.
The dilemma. Can I do it? I wrote down Tuesdays as an initial conflict for Footloose, so technically I don't know if those should count as absences. If they don't, then I'm ok- but I don't really want to quit because I'm the fiddler in the country dance club or something or other scene, and I get my name in the program. With a bio! This is the first time I've ever gotten a bio! And I think it's the first time I've really been a part of a theater production that's going to have an audience, besides Mr. Hilpert's "play" in 8th grade.
So besides (a) quitting senior musical, I can
(b) quit Youth Symphony. I actually considered doing this at the beginning of the year, but I felt kind of nostalgic about it. I've been going to these orchestras since like... 4th grade? 5th grade? with the same people, and I'll miss them if I don't go!! But in terms of orchestra ability... we kinda suck. Cause nobody cares or listens to the conductor. And we have a pretty ambitious program for our Avery Fischer Hall concert for an orchestra where half the people never show up (of course, I could always just be part of that half...). And not to mention I've been treated pretty badly in the past (I was absent for a rehearsal, which I told them about two weeks in advance, and it turns out that's the week we have seat auditions- which they didn't tell me about either- and when I missed them, I was not given a makeup. Instead, I got to sit in the back of the section for the concert. This year, people missed the seat auditions, and guess what? They had makeups extending for a month afterwards) Oh yeah, and did I tell you how they didn't even know my name until after the concerto competition this year? So basically the only stopping me from quitting this is nostalgia and guilt... I don't like quitting anything. So if I have to quit anything, I feel realllllllllly guilty for a long time afterwards. And people will probably think I'm being a lazy ass second semester senior. Actually, it's because even though I'm a second semester senior, I'm OVERCOMMITTED AND NEED A BREAK DAMMIT!!!
ok, and now for (c) quitting festival orchestra. I only joined last year, and Mr. Kushnir is sometimes (a lot of the time) an asshole to me (basically it's the lateness/absence thing. I've had to sacrifice other things to make rehearsals so I don't get kicked out right before the concert). My parents really don't like him. I guess I wouldn't really feel guilty for quitting, since I might get kicked out anyway, but the thing is- I really do like this orchestra. It's smaller, but because they have this nazi patrolling the attendance sheets, the people who are there really do make an effort to be there, and we sound pretty damn good. And we get to play with cool soloists, and on the most part, I like the music. I guess I really don't want to quit this- but will it be possible not to? If I miss any rehearsals I'm going to get kicked out of this orchestra, and if I miss too many senior musical rehearsals I'm going to get kicked out of that one. So I guess I should find out about the senior musical absence policy thing about the Tuesday rehearsals (we had to fill out a conflict sheet, and I said that I would not be able to attend any rehearsals on Tuesday. Of course, I have rehearsals that day anyway- but maybe I won't have to attend the first few rehearsals for my violin scene, since I'm not singing, I'm only playing the violin, so I'm basically like part of the pit, even though I get to stand onstage- so I don't have much staging or music to learn besides my part)
Wow that was a crazy long entry for an incredibly boring dilemma. Too bad I don't have more interesting ones (cough cough liz cough cough rachel cough cough) ahem. I think I may be coming down with something. Ha even though I was sick last week. Ohhhhh well- off to walk on the treadmill while trying to read The Waves, then Cathy's thing... skipping tennis! For a good cause! hehe... I hope Jen L made cupcakes. I'm in a very cupcake mood right now. As you can probably tell, the diet thing didn't last. I may try it in a couple of weeks, before I have to go shopping for new swimsuits for spring break! Or I hear there's this new thing... it's called EXERCISE. Hmmm, may try it out one of these days. Will... lose... five... pounds... must... ok. Then the BAJILLION HOURS OF HOMEWORK that comes from missing four days of school (2 sick, 2 away) not to mention the evil bio quiz I have to take when I get back... funnnn second semester senior year- when is the EASY part? Actually, I'm feeling a lot more laid back these days about things... still do my hw and all that (on the most part), but grades don't bug me as much, and I'm actually seriously considering quitting things lol, even if it's because I don't have time to do all of them. And I'm not obsessing over guys anymore, which I guess is nice, if only because I have deemed it a HOPELESS CAUSE, but it leaves me more time to waste online, looking at flipfloptrunkshow.com