Taken' it easy and hot kinky sex.....

Nov 18, 2005 01:21

So, like I have said earlier, I was going to make a very informative, personal, and huge entry, but I just had not time to write it. I intended to do it sooner, but something came up. Like I mentioned in my last entry, I spoke with Dorian. We only talked briefly, and we were both drunk, but we decided to have a chat in person. A lot of that entry was going to be stuff about her, and the impact that she had on my life, much more after our relationship than during it. Since I’m going to see her soon, I’d much rather tell her in person. I’m still going to write about it, but just not till after I say it to her first, rather than having her read it here, if she does read this thing still. That being said…….

I need a break. I like to keep busy, real busy. I just enjoy it, I like being active, however, I think I’ve found my breaking point. Currently I work 20-25 hours a week, have two majors, and invest anywhere from 15-40 hours a week in ROTC stuff (class, lab, PT, training exersizes, FTX, extra volunteer stuff, etc..), I lift regularly, play hockey, and have shit tons of papers, labs, and reading to do. And it’s not that I can’t do it I can. What is getting me down, is that I don’t have time to do lots of things that I hear about on campus. There’s always cool events on campus like poker, cool snowboarding movies, regional speakers giving seminars on interesting topics, concerts, specialty dinners, you know, events. Anyways, I can’t go to these spontaneous fun events, I can’t hang out with my friends that are going to them….. I don’t get to see my friends enough. I have friends scattered all over campus, I just have no time to see them all. My friends are important to me, and being able to do the things I like are important to me. I don’t often enough get to do things I enjoy, and I don’t often enough get to see my friends outside of my apartment. I need more time that I don’t have.

All this stuff has been building up slowly, and the other week I just cracked, sort of. I was just unmotivated to do anything, except sit or sleep (or try to). I had tons, and tons of work to do last week, and I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. All I wanted to do was sleep, eat, lay down, or play video games, and that’s all I did pretty much all last week. This week I was just getting out of my rut in making up all the work I had missed, and was doing a good job. Wednesday morning I got a call from my mom informing me that both my grandfather, and my great grandmother had died. They both died in their sleep, within about 12 hours of each other, and they are on opposite sides of my family. Anyways, I got this news right before an exam. I’ll be all right, it just didn’t help much in that I’ve had a real rough last few weeks with school and work and everything. Wednesday at work, I told them I’m not working Wednesdays anymore, and next semester, I’m gona try to keep my work load down to 10 hours a week. I need some luxury time, I need some time to be spontaneous, I need some time with my friends.

I’ve found I need something else. I’ve been so busy with school, fitness, work, and other things lately, I haven’t really had any time to focus on women, the opposite sex, or my growing physical needs which I have been ignoring. After a long week, the last thing on my mind is women, and all I really want to do is chill out and have a few (dozen) brews with my friends and relax. I don’t have time for a relationship now, nor am I actively looking for one, I’m content with being single, although frankly, I could use a friend with benefits.

It’s really one of those “I just need to get laid” type things, I guess. I miss physical contact. Now, reflecting on my past sexual experiences, they have been….. decent I guess, nothing phenomenal. I’ve only gotten off a few times from sex, despite the numerous occasions on which I’ve had it. I always though that this was because I never really had any significant emotional involvement or attachment with the people I was sleeping with, and I do think that is a factor still, but I think another one is the women.

I just need that sex that stands alone in itself, in just a physical realm, without the emotional vestment needed. Almost every girl I’ve been with (save a few occasions here and there) has pretty much had little involvement in the sex….. that sounds awkward. It’s like, I’m having sex with them, not we are having sex with each other. It’s like I’m there to do my thing, and when it’s done it’s done.

I don’t think it’s me. I’ve been complimented either directly, or very intensely indirectly from every girl I’ve been with, except for one. Hell, I’ll even say it, I take pride in my ability to please a woman. I do things (like oral sex) that most guys wont do, and I do a good job. When I have sex, I tend to be more of a giver anyways, I get enjoyment out of giving the other person enjoyment. I have lots of longevity, and I have a fuckin sexy body…… apparently.

I’ve noticed that whenever I wear tight clothes, or no shirt and there are women around, they always ask to feel my muscles or hit on me or I catch them staring. This is fine by me, I should probably wear tight clothing more often. The past few weeks I’ve been getting flirted with and hit on pretty consistently, but I really just don’t have the time nor bother to follow through with any of them. I really should of at the last bonfire I threw. There were about four girls there who blatantly asked me to sleep with/hook up with them. I didn’t though, I was too busy worrying about the cops trying to find us and getting wood for the fire and drinking copious amounts of liquor. Oh yeah, the last fire I threw had 100+ kids easy, the cops found out about it and got lost in the woods, and we sent a kid to the hospital. Ask me about it if you don’t know, good story.

Sex though. I guess a friends with benefits would be ideal, providing we both know that’s what it is, because I don’t want a relationship right now, but I do want an experiment girl who wont be scared if I say…. Break out a blindfold and some handcuffs. Yeah, I think I’m due for some hot kinky sex. Too much shit now though, probably next semester.

Hard work good, and hard work fine, but first take care of head.....
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