Sep 28, 2008 11:42
I work in a small company. My Boss and I are the only Full Time employees... She owns the company. There is no partner, there is no other head person.
In the last two/ three months my boss has taken up drinking...on the job.
And she doesn't think I know this.
I have seen her sneaking beer.
I have smelt it on her breath.
I have suffered the effects it takes on her.
I am not the only employee to have noticed.
At first I thought... it was none of my buisness...
but now... it's affecting my ability to do my job.
She's making irreversable mistakes. Because she is drunk.
Do I confront her? If So, How? I would leave but the money is good, and I make my own hours.
She actually followed one of the othe employees (a high school student) to his home and forced her way into his house to confront his mother about (if this isn't irony- I don't know what is) her drinking.(btw) yes in the past his mother has had a drinking addiction, but has been in aa for quite some time, and was sober at the time of this confrontation.