LJ Hook for Chrome (sort of) - Dreamwidth compatible

Jan 24, 2012 18:00

I did a thing!

So, Firefox has an excellent extension called LiveJournal Hook, which adds a right-click menu to the update/comment boxes on LJ, for easy insertion of HTML and site-specific tags. It's compatible with Dreamwidth, and includes the ability to save your own custom bits of text or code to add to the menu.

Chrome, alas, does not have LJ Hook, and there are at present no plans to port it. What Chrome does have is the Insert Text extension, which, similar to LJ Hook, allows you to save custom snippets to a right-click menu and drop them into any text area.

What it also does, is allow you to import pre-configured text snippets.

Take one free afternoon, a cup of common HTML tags, and a liberal dash of LJ & DW-specific markup, mix well, and let set.

(LJ Chook)
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