Jul 16, 2007 13:34
So I've come to accept the fact that time moves way too fast for me to keep up with it; too fast for me to avoid bulky listed updates. Accepting that you have a problem - that's the first step, right? But I'm going to try honing my skills at denial, anyway, and break the bulk up into at least two entries because, as I started typing, I realized I might just have holded back for too long and now have too much to say.
My court date came and went June 22; as did I, since Aislinn's dad (*inner voice drips with sarcasm*) failed to make an appearance. That's right, he blew it off. (I was told much, much later that he got the time wrong. Sure. And I was totally born yesterday.) So nothing much went on that day; we rescheduled for July 23 (now, next Monday) and decided to file motions for payment of unpaid medical expenses (of which, Aislinn has many) and to force Charlie into a court ordered job-placement program, since it is unlikely that he can prove that he has a full-time job, getting paid under the table for the boat detailing he does do. This is a double-edged sword for me: No proof of employment means no raise in child support, but forces him into a stable job. (I'm sure, when he got the new paperwork in the mail last Saturday, he cried... at least a little. *snicker*)
Since he didn't show up at court, I held no lofty hope that he would come by later that day with his child support payment. Which means I wasn't too crushed when he didn't come knocking at 6 p.m. Long story short, his mom came by with the money late afternoon that Saturday. (Now, you have to realize that, at this point in the ongoing saga, I still haven't seen hide nor hair of him, nor have I been graced with a phone call, since the Friday before Father's Day.) We got into a discussion, in which she tried to chalk up Charlie's inability to show up for visits and payments to him being "irresponsible" and in need of medicine for his "flighty behavior." (Sure, lady, keep talking; dig your son's grave.) She said she's bring him to the next visit, but the next visitation came and I got a phone call to tell me that he couldn't get a ride. (Well, at least he called.) We rescheduled for the next weekend (7/8), which, when it came 'round, he did manage to make an appearance (after five weeks of not seeing the daughter he fought so hard to get the right to visit), but tried bring his girlfriend. (As you can guess, that went over real well.)
Finally, this weekend, he actually showed up for a scheduled visit. Holy crap! Two weeks in a row?! I'm sure, though, the pattern of no-shows will restart it's rotation within the next too weeks, especially after we hit his wallet hard in court.
real life: baby,
real life,
real life: court,
real life: exes