Essentially Zombie Free: All Welcome

Aug 06, 2008 18:37

First off, let me say that I found something awesome. I know that I am like 20 years+ late on this, but The Watchmen? Yeah, it's fucking awesome. Lives up to the hype and then some. It was the trailer for the upcoming film that made me want to finally check it out. Paradoxically, I am a zillion times less interested in the movie now that I have read the graphic novel (twice). But if you, like me, have somehow managed to avoid the Watchmen (despite strong, hardy geek roots), stop being a putz and fucking read it for Christ's sake. It's immeasurably awesome. And as for that "found" bit, rest assured I am under no illusions. Only people that managed to consciously avoid it and the completely uninformed don't know the awesomeness contained therein. I am of the "consciously avoided" type. I suck. I consciously avoided one of the best works created in the English language over the past century. Go, me.

Other relatively cool stuff. I have recently been enjoying web comics Basic Instructions and Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. Both allow me to ignore an enormous amount of work.

Also, I switched to Netflix after my brief tenure with GreenCine. Sure, GreenCine is all indie and shit, and I love supporting the little guy but they take for fucking ever to get a movie to me. And the selection is only the tiniest bit better than Netflix. And Netflix gives me free, unlimited watch-over-Internet movie capability. When that shit comes to my Xbox 360 this fall, I am sitting pretty. The movies-over-IP works great, and the selection is surprisingly good. So anyway, I am canceling GreenCine in the next day or two. Netflix uber alles!

Finally, I am going to the World Science Fiction Convention over the next few days. I would have killed to go as a kid. Now, it's just work. But hell, at least I can say years of obsessive geekery have paid off.

science fiction, netflix, the watchmen, world science fiction convention, greencine

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