Jul 10, 2006 19:03
today my family and i embarked upon a voyage to a family counselor's office for a midday appointment.
plush couches. quiet classical music drifting in and out of the background. the latest edition of pscyhology today adorning the waiting room.
basically your psychiatrist office edition of home and gardens.
the door swings open and lets a tall, lanky, slightly greying man in his late 40s into the room. peering over his perfectly balanced glasses, his eyes survey first my mother, my father, and then me.
after regaling him with stories of family woes and triumphs, we pause for a moment while he furiously inks up a yellow legal pad.
pause. glance down at the notes. glance up. pause.
.....and now i have a personal session with him before out next family appointment.
this can't be a good sign.