Hot damn! It's my birfday on Friday! Yay!
And then... I'm off for a week in Jekyll Island, Georgia with Sarah j for a week! Gadamn!
Anyways, I hope everyone who tried out for The Crucible got in AND got their desired parts, (including me), and I hope Valentine's Day treated all of my readers well. If not, I suggest the reader attempt a violent revenge on love somehow. Perhaps in some form of a prank. Never mind, I'm tired and don't know what I'm talking about. Go to sleep Becky Brown.
I told you all to read this guy's comics awhile ago. I wasn't kidding when I said they were hilarious. Here's your second and FINAL CHANCE to EVER READ THESE AMAZING COMICS. EVER. I LIKE CAPS. DON'T WORRY, I'M NOT YELLING. Now, I go to vanquish thine arch rival, my bed, by bombarding it with large amounts of treacherous? exploding? dynamite? sleep. <--(perfect example of runaway metaphor)