Nov 04, 2004 11:13
Interesting past few days. My mind racing at top speed trying to process everything. I need to take ritalin to FOCUS on hmwk. LOL. Last night, I had a lot of fun with a sister's 21 b-day. Bunch of us got together... anything is a good excuse to get together and get drunk!! I love that about my soronity sisters! I woke up at 8 15 this morning. I dont normally get up at that time of the morning. Its the unholy hour! Tonight I hafta go to my chapter meeting then to a judicial hearing ugh. Then after that I m OFF to Paradise Alley and get my ass drunk on those 50 cent drinks bless P.A.'s little evil hearts they understand the plight of the poor broke college student looking to get drunk. I know I m going to CRASH hard tonight after all the excitement settles down in the dust.
Bleh *glaring at the weather* why can't it just cooperate for a while? I hate November overcast days. For some reason the song "Let me Fall" keep running in my head over and over.
So Bush won. I can't be too upset. Everyone s upset about Kerry/Bush. NEITHER of them are the ideal president that I envision for the next 4 years. So... its no great loss to me. At least I m familiar with Bush and I know what his style is like. People rant about social security or disability rights. Its not the end of the world guys. There will be other presidents. Other times. Other issues. The last 4 years went by fast. Whos to say the next 4 years won't go fast? Hallejuah *toasting my 1955 Dom Perignon wine* here's to the next 4 years and may we survive gracefully through it.