
Jun 17, 2004 12:21

so it all began early in the morning on june 13, 2004. 0230 to be exact. i woke up from my short ass nap knowing full well what the day would bring and i knew it would be bringing a shit load, a shit load of f-u-n!

got ready and drove to my boy's house out in the east end of scarboro. the sun was still sleeping.

0345: our little trek begins. our destination, montreal. why? Because a little F1 car told us to, well actually...a pair of Grand Prix tickets said we could. DAYAM RIGHT. i've never been to an F1 race...i didn't know what to expect and honestly that's the best part. ETA 4-5hours

follow 401 east until you think it's going to end and then when you think you've reached it, keep going! that was a long ass mutha drive i tell you.

0830: *sigh* Montreal. reminded me of new york (when i used to lived there). a good enough looking city, but i'd still pick toronto. of course i would! toronto's been good to me.

Grand Prix ticket $220 (well really they were free, but still!)

Gasoline $20

Metro $2.50

Blood trickling out of my ears because i called my friends pussies for needing ear plugs....... Priceless.

and the reason why we came! there couldn't have been a more suitable location. montreal skyline in the background, the biodome in the midground and the hairpin turn in the forground. $220 a ticket will get you these seats.

friends who have been to F1 races told me that i should bring earplugs because that shit is loud. i told them they were pussies...

i should have brought earplugs. that shit is loud!

after a light toasting...thanks to the sun, and a good hour of racing, my boy and i left to catch the england vs. france football game. trekked through downtown montreal looking for sports bars and eventually found one and settled in for a disappointing game (because england lost).

anyways, we left montreal around 1730 and didn't make it home until about 2300. it was definitely a long ass day but a memorable one. i have blisssters on my feet and an empty wallet to prove it.
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