Easter thoughts

Mar 29, 2006 06:05

I was thinking recently about what this Easter Vigil really is going to mean. I know that probably sounds funny, but its something that is important and coming up and always on my mind.

I was talking with my mom about how I am fascinated with priests. I know that was another weird comment :) I told her that every priest that I have ever met has looked so happy with life in general and so peaceful. Christ is the center of their lives. I keep thinking, shouldn't life be that simple?

At Easter I think that the experience will be overwhelming. At Mass when the consecration is taking place I am kneeling either staring at Father watching his every move or with my eyes closed meditating on what is happening. When he takes the bread and the wine and lifts them up and says, "This is Jesus, the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.." I get chills. I can't wait to receive the Eucharist on the 15th.
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