Breaking news from the land of happy little trees

Apr 05, 2006 15:48

Im sure you all know that I simply don't post here very often. But once in a while I will run across something so important that it simply needs to be shared.

Today while checking the website of one of my favorite artists I ran across an important piece of news. Now I couldn't find a direct link to the story so if any of you come back later I cant promise this will still be at the top of the news page. You know how quickly things can change in the fast paced world of Bob Ross. One minute there are a few vertical lines and the next thing you know... *BAM* a bunch of happy little trees, complete with animal friends.

In case anyone get to this too late I will give you the gist of the story. Bob Ross... thats right, THE Bob Ross of PBS's Joy of Painting fame, is getting his own video game.

You heard that right. A Bob Ross video game where I can only assume you will spend your time making "happy little trees" and "beating the devil" out of your controller when you want to change paints. If only Bob were still alive to see this glorious vision fulfilled.

Actually, in all seriousness, this game is going to be out for the PC as well as Nintendo's DS and Revolution. The new interfaces on the DS and Revolution (which uses a motion sensitive controller that tracks its movement in 3D for control) could make something like this rather interesting.

I cant wait to see what the guys at Penny Arcade have to say about this.
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