Lets motivate the voting public

Jul 31, 2007 09:37

America tends to have a pretty terrible voter turn out rate. I suspect this is because Americans don't relate well to politicians. Lets face it, the issues are boring. Even the most politically charged issues actually only interest a small number of people enough to motivate them to get out and vote. Most folks don't really care much either way.

What we need to do is spice up the election process, starting with those mind numbing debates droning on and on about fiscal this and foreign policy that... we need to get some action in this. We need to ask questions that can hold the interest of the American public. I believe that this slate article would serve as a good starting point for just such a ratings grabbing debate. Lets start asking questions that will keep the American public engaged.

From the article:

Listen carefully: A computer from the future has sent a shape-shifting cyborg, made of prototype liquid metal, to kill you. At the last moment, the governor of California appears, saying, "Come with me, if you want to live!" We'll start with Governor Huckabee. Would you agree to run with this bizarre, Republican hybrid, if it requires you to soften your stances on gay rights and climate change?
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