Getting to know you, getting to know all about you!

Jun 16, 2008 01:08

Coming from here.

*If Near is sitting on the bed, posture conveying a certain amount of undisguised hostility mixed with equal parts of dread, well, it's only to be expected, isn't it?*

*He still hasn't touched his cornflakes, either.*

tickle me freud, mihael poppins, meile the security blanket, light the long suffering, o.o

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magnaccia June 18 2008, 07:28:22 UTC
(Meile wanders out the door, hands shoved in his pockets, and waits for Near to follow, feeling irritated. Though he isn't angry at Near, he's sort of pissed that Light won't talk to him, and he's even more pissed that Mihael of all people can't sit down and talk with him, either. But maybe talking with Near will help; Near seems like the kind of person who slaps sense into other people. So Meile waits, fumbling in his pockets for a cigarette, and sticking it in his mouth, lighting it and sighing in relief. He mumbles:)

Mmmmm... shiiet. Tha's good stuff.


coordinated_n June 18 2008, 07:32:59 UTC
Until they give you cancer and you die.

*Near is also feeling rather irritated, mostly because he feels he completely didn't deserved to be dragged into the middle of that fiasco. And that he has been roped into moving in to a soap opera. He didn't bargain for this.*

At least you're too tall to give me much second hand smoke. *Not that he can entirely tell, but Near is 5'1, and Matt is over six feet... it's kind of obvious just from where his voice comes from.*


magnaccia June 18 2008, 07:45:34 UTC
(Meile rolls his eyes and takes a small puff)

Shush, ya. I know tha consequences.

(But he can't really be irritated with Near, because really, none of this is his fault, and Meile knows it. Meile chews on his cigarette for a moment before looking down at Near, sighing)

...Sorry, didn't mean ta snap atcha.
Do ya want meh to put it out?


coordinated_n June 18 2008, 07:48:25 UTC
It sounds like you need it. Let's get away from the door.

*Out of earshot is what he means, obviously. There are things to discuss that Mihael and Light probably shouldn't overhear.*

Mello never thinks things through, does he?

*The more things change...*


magnaccia June 18 2008, 07:54:49 UTC
...God, yer right. I do.

(Meile nods, and moves off, keeping pace with Near. He takes another drag, and then lets the stick hang from the corner of his mouth lazily, as he rubs his forehead in a weary way)

...No, he dun't.
Kid's gotta huge heart, realleh. He takes in tha ones who he thinks needs 'is help. I dunno 'bout ya, since ya seem capable ta me n' everythin', but... ta be honest, I think ya remind 'im of Nattie.

(Meile stares at the floor as they walk)
Sorry, kid. Wish he hadn't dragged ya inta all this. It's gotta be a pain in tha ass.


coordinated_n June 18 2008, 07:59:18 UTC
Don't call me 'kid,' Meile. *That aside.*

All the drug comments are what worry me the most. I understand the implications, but I'd like a quick history, and maybe a bit of timeline to go with it. It will help if I know exactly what is going on.

I can leave any time I want to, but essentially, you're both right that staying on my own isn't neccessarily the best option, not until I'm a little more used to the place.

Even if I may slit Light's throat in his sleep.


magnaccia June 18 2008, 08:19:10 UTC
(Meile shrugs)

Fuck, they worry meh too. He ain't exactly tha most healthy kid, not wit' tha... not wit' wut he's dun afore.

But yeah... history, sure. Me n' Mihael've stuck together fer three years or so, afore tha Mansion. I gave 'im shelter n' food n' stuff, n' he worked fer meh. We also had Nattie, our universe's Near, wit' us... but he vanished a while ago.

(Pauses, with a pained expression, but he continues on)
Mihael used ta take pills a lot. I dun't wanna go inta it, but... I stopped 'im. And a while ago, 'ere in tha Mansion, he gotta hold of sum pills n' took 'em, got high, and freaked tha hell outta meh. We fought, ovah tha pills, Laighto, n' Nattie, n' then he vanished, n'... n' I thought he was dead. 'Til he popped up two weeks later wit' Laighto, sayin' they're together, n'... tha's it.

(He sighs, and takes a smoke)

We want ya ta stay, Near, but if yer uncomfortable, ya don't hafta.

...Why would ya slit 'is throat? He's a good kid, 'cept fer tha random emo shit he duz.


coordinated_n June 18 2008, 08:25:29 UTC
He killed L. He'll probably kill my Mello, and my Matt. Millions of people. He's not a good kid, he's a mass murderer, admittedly possibly before he's committed said crimes, but there's no doubt in my mind that he's inevitably responsible for all your deaths.

*And if Near didn't have the set of standards he does, he'd find a way to start ending all the Yagamis here and now.*

Mihael didn't mention that to you? He doesn't believe it, which is hopelessly naive of him.

Why the tension between the three of you? That was more than what you just described.


magnaccia June 18 2008, 08:57:43 UTC
(Blinkblink... ohhh, Near. You opened up a brand new can of worms, there. Meile did not know about that. And now he's paranoid. Meile stops dead in his tracks, voice dangerous)

(He can't control the wavering note in his voice, and that pisses him off further)

....God-fuckin'-dammit. Mihael has got a lot of shit to explain.
Thar ain't no fuckin' way I'ma let 'im stick 'round Mihael! Shit, if I'da known--!

(Turns and punches a wall with-- of course-- his bad hand, and curses loudly when he does so, pulling his hand back and shaking it frustratedly)

...'Cuz I love 'im, Near.
I love Mihael. But 'm too old n' Mihael dun't love meh like I do 'im n' Laighto's bettur fer 'im. N' I ain't tense. Tha's all emo kid's. He's a paranoid little fucker.

(Still sounds pissed and his hand's throbbing, too. The cigarette has fallen out of his mouth, and Meile quickly scuffs it out before rubbing at his head again. Headaches suck)


coordinated_n June 18 2008, 19:20:05 UTC
Alright, calm down, and stop hitting inanimate objects. Stop hitting anything, I don't duck well.

*Remarkably irritated. This just keeps getting better and better.*

You're obviously not an idiot. If you storm in there and tell Mihael not to see Yagami any more, what do you think he's going to do? I can just about promise that isn't going to be wagging his tail and rolling over.

*He twists a finger through a lock of hair.*

And I have tried talking to him reasonably about it, and appealing to his protective instincts. Neither worked.


magnaccia June 18 2008, 19:33:07 UTC
(Meile growls a little, but he won't punch anything else. He folds his arms and glares off to the side, grumbling:)

...I know tha'. I wuzn't gunna do it realleh.

Trust meh, I've tried ta talk ta 'im 'bout loads o' stuff afore n' he dun't listen. He dun't listen ta nobody when he got 'is mind set, not even 'is boss.

(With a sigh, Meile rubs his knuckles and grimaces)


coordinated_n June 18 2008, 19:37:36 UTC
So, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Light has already moved in, how much more watching him can we do?

*Again, this is all if Near doesn't kill him. Which he won't, really.*

How old are you?


magnaccia June 18 2008, 19:45:05 UTC
Guess yer right.
Damn, this ain't gunna help us get along, ya know.
(Makes a disgruntled face)

...'m twenty four. Why?


coordinated_n June 18 2008, 19:54:36 UTC
Of course it will. You want him to trust you. To confide in you. To confess whatever urges he's been having, whatever impulses he gets, when he's feeling particularly murderous.

*Two-faced Near is two-faced.*

I can't do it believably, he knows my position on him already, and I'm not good enough at reading people.

Just your 'I'm too old for him' made you sound like some sort of Ent. *Doesn't think the age difference is that drastic, but isn't going to tell Meile that this late in the game.*


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