Apr 23, 2005 09:45
1. Would you play a game based on us? (Doesn't matter what your answer is, because you're going to, but I figured I'd ask)
I think a game based on us could have the potential to be holy freaking awesome. So yes (even though I'll be playing one anyway?).
2. What's your favorite insult?
Oh man there's so many to choose from! But I'm gonna go with the first one that comes to my mind: Eat shit and die asshole.
3. Who would look better in a ski mask, Daniel or Jeremy?
Well I'm assuming that Dan still has his scruffy beard, and I'd imagine that would look pretty goofy poking out of the holes of a ski mask. I'm definitely gonna go with Jeremy on this one.
4. How many times a day do you think, "Shut up. Just shut the Hell up, and never speak again,"?
It really doesn't happen that much anymore. Thankfully I'm no longer surrounded by a bunch of idiots the likes of Anne McCloy and #11. But I'd say I probably still say it every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am when I go to Calculus. My calc prof can't speak English and is a terrible teacher. Terrible as in 3 cubed is 81, terrible as in e + e = e, terrible as in you can just assume numbers are in there even though there not because you Effed up the problem 10 steps ago.
5. How awesome were the Calc Kids lunches at the end of the year?
I'd give anything to go back and do it all over again.