They're Already Here!

Jun 29, 2005 00:31

Woo hoo!

Today was a great day (Except no where had a midnight showing for War of the Worlds). I got to work 6-230 and see all the cashiers and everyone who I haven't seen since I started midnights almost a year ago. Troy and I got to do stupid jobs like the old days. Besides doing nothing I did mostly cashier breaks and lunches, which is pretty much all I do anymore. I was gonna come home and take a nap, but instead I made myself a nice turkey sub and shopped around on Ebay for a while. I need to save up some more money before I decide to go on anymore crazy shopping sprees like before. I haven't bought anything for myself is a while now, it's really depressing!

After dinner my baby came over! After our fun some friends came over for a casual night of poker. I ended up getting most of my money back from the game, so I couldn't ask for much else. I traded some Joel MST3K episodes of David's for some of my good episodes (Prince of Space, Merlin). I need to find some time to watch them though because I work everyday until at least Tuesday. I'm gonna go nuts!

After work (and hopefully a little nap) I'm going to see WAR OF THE WORLDS finally! I've read everywhere that it's an awesome movie. WOO I can't wait!


I <3 Mallory!
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