Feb 21, 2009 22:07
Today I had to take another test for upgrading my water distribution certificate, so I did the stuff I do to make sure my brain was ready. But, I left the house with a headache, so I had to go to the store to get some of my preferred migraine stuff from Longs, and they were out. Not only were they out, but the seem to have discontinued the stuff.
Anyways, I got the next best, oh so mediocre medicine in line, and proceeded to do my thing.
Five minutes later, I had $25 worth of junk food in the checkout, with 20 minutes to get to the test.
I couldn't cram that much brain food (sugar, caffeine, and electrolytes), on the road to the site, which by luck just happenned to be here in Modesto for once. What I was able to stuff down my face, I later had to concentrate so I wouldn't puke back up during the test. Luckilly, the headache went away, while I ran over the dictionary in the back of the book, from A to T-1/2, before I figured I had only a little time left, say about 5 minutes, to find the site much less get in line for admittance.
Breathing exercises kept the food down, as I burped, waiting for 15 minutes to be shown the seat I'd own for the next 2 hours and 45 minutes.
Yes, I was properly wired, and, after being seated, indulged in arranging the testing materials 3 different ways, one in utter chaos, until the testing proctor finally instructed us all, at extreme length, on how to fuck up our tests and get kicked out, to the point where getting sent to Gitmo seemed and increasing probability.
And then, the test. As stated before I perused the dictionary section, but that left out the purpose of each defined entry. And the purpose was vital. During the last test, for my water treatment 2 certification, there were about 150 multiple choice questions, and the longer i took on the test, the less I functioned. It's been said before, but at that point, I actually experienced UNLEARNING for the first time in a long while. Not pleasant. And then during the 50 math portion, they threw so many twists on formulae and compounded the equations backwards it wasn't nice to tell me to bring a non-programming calculator to the test, it was pure cruelty at it's most self-entertaining.
This test proved how unfair the last test was.
This time there were only 50 multiple choice, and only 10 math, and those were for the most part single equation, and maybe 5 of them needed some modification for not more than 2 additional variables. I used only 3 equations, though I could have used 4, but one was the same way only backwards. (Not supposed to say specifics about the test. Gitmo, shhh!)
I mastered the math, again, and I'm sure I got far enough into the multiple choice to get the cert upped. And I feel cheated. This test was so freaking easy, I don't know why the other one needed to be like taking such a beating. The contrast was so damn stark, there really isn't any blurred line they warned us not to trip over, when they said "the d2 is a little easier than the t2".
Well, I celebrated afterwards. I bought a battery for the chevy blazer, got some fiber supplements, and forced myself to shop, for 3 hours, at FYE, a store like the local Rasputin's. It's so damn hard, when there so much stuff I'd like to waste some money on, and so little stuff that I'd actually love to own and meditate to. I looked for Faith No More's first album, didn't find it. Found Marilyn Manson's "greatest hits", but couldn't justify spending $20 on music that would just piss me off. There was Enya's Watermark, and that was just a 180 of where I wanted to take my mind.
I settled for soundtracks. "Hackers" and "Queen of the Damned", and picked up "Fiddler on the Roof" the movie. And I don't know why I haven't bought the QOTD soundtrack before, because I knew it was badass, but I've listened to it twice, and it was so freaking good, I had to walk away.
It was that fucking good.
(or am I that dull?)
(yeah, maybe.)