Sep 29, 2004 18:51
1: What's My Full Name?
2: When Was I born?
3: What's My Fav. Color?
4: What was our BEST past time?
5: What was the worst thing that happend 2 us?
6: Who's The top girl i can trust?
7: Am I a vigrin?
8: What was the best thing we did in the past year?
9: What Reminds u of me everytime U see it?
10: What was the funniest thing that happend 2 me?
11: Do people Understand Us?
12: What do i spend WAY 2 much time on??
13: Do i have a special Stuffed Animal?
14: Am I in a Sport?
15: Do i have a girlfriend?
16: Am i mean?
17: Could i beat the sh*t outta someone?
18: Who do i hate?
19: Do i have a crush on someone only u know about?
20: Have we ever got into a REAL fight?
21: Did We ever go To a Party? And Did we have fun?
22: What do we plan to do after highschool?
23: Do we have inside jokes that piss people off?