Sep 23, 2006 10:45
Hey, I decided it was about time I threw in another update to the good 'ol livejournal.
Lets see... I have classes Tuesday-Friday which you've heard some about. I'd like to reinterate that my church history professor talks REALLY fast. My Hebrew Bible professor thinks that her research about the subject is better than anyone elses reasearch - shes cool though... just don't tell her that you have a different opinion. My Theories of Human Development class... so far so good... the professor is nice but I still have yet to really see where this is different from other psych classes I've taken in the past - learning about Ericsons stages of development agian for the third time wasnt exactly what I was expecting. UMC History - this class is pure torture. The guy gets off on 45 minute tangents all the while tripping over his own tongue (um ah um) and making no real cohesive sense. His accent is cool... and some of the stuff he knows is cool... but you gotta be able to get into it and past the ums, ahs and wildgoose chases.
I've met a few people... I've noticed that the ones I seem to be closer to are guys. It might be that 75% of the people my age ARE male... lol that could be it. There are a couple people in Seminary Singers who might be good to get to know. One girl is from Chicago and another is an undergrad student who is here this semester starting study for her MDiv... I dont know where she goes normally though. They might be worth getting to know. There are a bunch of guys who have been good for conversation, but I suppose no actual friendships yet. I am starting to slip into hermit mode. I was invited to go watch a movie lastnight with Jacob *one of the guys in my class* and a few other friends of his but I said no cause I had homework to do. If I keep up that tred however, I wont make any friends cause well... I always have homework to do. I kinda wish I could take 12 credits and still get ou to fhere in three years. Cuase I want to be able to enjoy college life while still getting decent grades... but I dont think i can do both sometimes. If I go out and hang out with people - see the city - join clubs... how does that give me enough time to read/write? Oh yeah and I need to get a work study job.... so that gives me less time to devote to friends or homework. Oh fun fun. I dont know.
The school though - I still like it. The staff is nice, the facilities are decent. I feel comfortable there - which is important in the midst of the city. I feel much safer now that I did. I dont think I'll be able to lie down in the middle of a grassy feild/park like I do at home and feel safe... no probably not but I dont feel like someone is gonna jump out from around the corner and take my purse or something like I thought before I got here. Andover Newton...I guess its a place to live... and really thats all I can give it for now. I was talking to a guy named Drew yesterday who lives on the other side of the building I'm in and he was saying that last year he lived in the theology house *on campus* and how really the rooming situation *cleanliness/accomidation wise* isnt much better there but its almost twice as much a month. He said that I probably wouldnt find anything nicer for housing - Id just spend more. I suppose that makes sense. Id still like to have curtains, a bottom drawer that doesnt have melted chocolate, a bed that doesnt roll, a back door that is securely locked and the ability to store my own food in my own room... but hey... whatever. I'm dealing - I'm alive aren't I?
Its been hard being away from Ken and its hard knowing that I'll be away for quite a while. We're trying not to focus on that though. The first week or so I was without phone and that sucked... I got myself a new cell though from Verizon and now I can talk to him whenever I want for however long I want because w're both verizon wireless customers. Its nice to know that I can do that. We had a rough week last week and into this week - just dealing with the distance and our emotions. Its hard knowing that the person you love cant always be there to hold you when you're upset... I know that. I also know though that if I get through this year or two or however long I need to get through to be together that I'll be stronger, we'll be stronger for it. Since Tuesday though we've had some good conversations - intellectual/spiritual conversations and I've really enjoyed that - its a whole new side to get to know because we dont always talk about those things as much as perhaps we should.
I have a lot to write in the next couple of weeks and I need to try to get myself to a point where I think Im in an ok place... Ken is going to try to get down here for the long weekend on the 6th or 7th or whatever day is a Friday. I need to be ok homework wise so I feel like I can devote the time to US. What sucks is the week after that I have two papers due and a midterm to take. wonderful. That probably means I shouldn't be taking up my time writing this and that I should probably get to the shower and start reading and writing today, tomorrow and Monday. Okay sounds like a plan.
Miss you all - leave comments so I know you still read this/care to hear from me!