Apr 22, 2009 08:36
This Train is Bound for Glory
If making the 8:00 a.m. train
(when I pulled into the parking lot at 7:55)
wasn't enough to make me believe in miracles,
the five-year-old prophet behind me
was determined to remind us
that we live in a world of wonder.
Every observation was christened
with his declaration of
“HO-ly! HOOOO-ly!”
“Look at how long that train is! HO-ly!”
“We're riding backwards! HO-ly!”
“We're driving over the water! HO-ly!”
“Oh- look at that ocean bluuue! HO-ly!”
like he was his own train whistle,
rising and falling over the tracks,
“HO-ly, HOOOO-ly,”
announcing the arrival
of another generation of astonishment
to the approaching horizon.
On the Amtrak to Boston from Portland this morning.