I am functioning on too little sleep to be wordy, but DAYUM, Darren Criss. The pictures of him shirtless at Coachella are just spellbinding, and not just for the neon yellow sunglasses. Nice to know that Out Magazine didn't airbrush those abs in, honey.
Totally unrelated, it has been reinforced to me that I can no longer party like I did in college. Two late nights out in a row (and not drinking excessively either time), and I am WIPED today because my sleep schedule is screwed to heck and back. But last night was a hoot in that we got to go dancing with friends. I don't think I've heard "Born This Way," "Hold It Against Me," and "California Girls" so many times in a five-hour period in my life, however. I don't understand how I know the words to so many songs off Britney's new album already, when I don't own it, but I guess that's the mystery of dance music. We also got to be plants in the audience to tip one of our friends who was auditioning as a go-go dancer (he gave us singles with instructions to tip him while he danced - it was hysterical - but woot, he got the job!). Randomly met "Dancing with the Stars" dance pro Louis Van Amstel at The Abbey. Spent the end of the evening making sure that two of our favorite but very inebriated guys got home safely (or at least to someone's home safely), during which time
azewewish completed an awesome trick of sneaking K's keys out of his pocket before he realized it so we could get him and his car back to his place without him driving. God willing, he actually managed to get inside once we got him there.
Now it's time to be domestic and get some laundry done, and maybe contemplate lunch alternatives that have actual nutritional value...