Name: Lara
Age: 13
Birthday: 12/31
Location: Chester, Virginia =)
Random Questions
Why did you pick your username? Because i'm not really dumb, i just don't always think.
What do you think is your biggest flaw? I'm not sure, alot of things.
If you had one day left of your life, what are 2 things you would want to do and why? Tell everyone how much i love them and will miss them and spend the day with them
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why? Usher, cause he's dead sexy.
What was the first concert you ever went to? Ooh i don't know.
What's your favorite line from any movie, song, book, or TV show? "Love me for me"
Tell us something random & funny. Hm. I dont know. But i love this picture & it's the only reason i go Bush
If you had to do a love scene, who would it be with & why? Heath Ledger, also dead sexy.
What is one of your biggest accomplishments? Painting my room.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? ONE THOUSAND ELEVEN. For me.
Bands/Singers: Switchfoot, Maroon 5
Movies: Sixteen Candles, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Pretty In Pink
TV Shows: Simpsons, That 70s Show, The Look For Less <--addicted to.
Book: The Face On The Milk Carton & Whatever Happened to Janie?
Day of the Week: Friday
Actor: Heath Ledger
Actress: Sarah Jessica Parker
Color: Pink & black & turquoise
What do you think about Avril Lavigne? Not.
Christina Aguilera? Shes beautiful and has a great voice.
Abortion? If you get raped and don't want the baby, yes, just cause, no.
Online dating? I think it's fine but not always safe.
Drugs/alcohol/smoking? The can kill, but for the hell of it, i like to live for the moment.
And last but not least:
Any pictures?
Okay, yeah, bad picture and i don't know wtf's up with my hand, my friend made me laugh.
Those are my sisters and im all the way on the left.
Yes, even though those are my computer headphones, that just happen to have a microphone, yeah ima fool. I go to Chester Middle and it sucks. Sorry my answers are so short but i'm tired as shit.