A dream...

Jul 18, 2004 11:41

I went to bed, pretty late last night, and on my mind was one thing- how to make Star Trek interesting again. yees, Im a dork. I was thinking since they always tackled social/philiospohical issues, they could do something on the whole homeland security/terrorist problem we have now( sort of like how Star Trek six paralleled the problems that was happening between the United States and the USSR) I had started to come up with a senario, when I fell asleep. The dream I would have would have to deal with these events, and then some.

We were in discussion? I think so... it was me my dad and Patrick Stewart(better known to star trek fans as Captain Jean Luc Picard of the StarShip enterprise) by the way, this is a dream, Im sure his presence was just used as an archetype to set up the rest of the dream. Anyway, my dad makes a comment that the whole thing has always been crooked and something to that effect. Mr Stewart rebuttle is that every president has been straight, except for President Bush. Then I stepped up to the plate- started to name names, and places and events. I backed him off with this werid chant
"I dont wanna die a sad
SAD man"

Louder and louder, Stewart finally gave up. It was crazy, because the chant really had a war like yell to it. And once I got up, I said "this is my song to write" and just got to it.
Its finished ^^; Maybe I'll post it up on DA.
Im crazy arent I?
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