Jun 24, 2008 23:03
I haven't written anything here in ages. Sometimes I don't feel like there's much to say, and sometimes too much, but an update, nonetheless, is perhaps necessary. Hell, it's been 8 months.
October, November, December... don't remember much from them except for a despicable addiction to playing World of Warcraft. Let me just say, that when you don't have anything to do, it's really easy to not do anything. At the beginning of January, I let my subscription expire so I could focus on looking for a job. It took me about a month or two more to really figure out what I wanted to do and to start seriously looking for work. In April, I finally got hired to do helpdesk/IT/tech support for a shoe company in Carlsbad. I've been there almost 3 months, and that kind of freaks me out. I can say that it's wonderful to get paychecks now. I'm enjoying it, but I'm tired as the commute is about 35 miles each way, and it's been a year since I really had anything to do. But hey, it's a career-type job, so it'll look good on a resume.
This week I've been waking up at 5am to carpool. Today I got home at 7. It sucks. I decided carpooling was a pretty good idea because I don't really feel like spending 350 bucks/month to get to/from work. I might move up to Carlsbad in September.
My roommates have been pissing me off a bit lately as they haven't been cleaning their dishes. I managed to really offend one of them and he hasn't talked to the rest of us much at all for about 2 months. Personally, I kind of feel bad, but I haven't held anything against him since then. I'm also not going to apologize for speaking my feelings. I was drunk, and pissed off at recent events, so it happened. He hadn't respected me, so I didn't respect him. Golden rule?
Work... It's pretty fun. I've been learning a lot about sysadmin kind of stuff. I'd like to be paid more, but I don't think it's going to happen for some time. I do get a nice chunk off buying shoes, though. I'm thinking about spending a few bucks and getting a few pairs.
Mostly, right now... I'm just tired. I'm a bit bored, but I might have to teach some girls at work how to use photoshop. Who knows, maybe if I can show them how much crap I know, they'll be inclined to give me more money.
My coworkers are pretty cool. We joke around a lot and bust each other's chops whenever we can. It makes for a light-hearted time.
This update must have been hell to read. I need some spice. I'm going to sleep.
- Robb