Jul 21, 2014 10:18
Finally! I've been wanted to make an update post for a round but now I've finally gotten around to actually writing one.
Don't have too much time since I'm being sneaky again at work... but well, 25 mins till I need to hit the lab.
First up. The letter. I thank all of you who read the letter, and for those who were worried, I'm sorry for making ya all worried! I'm fine really, the incident didn't mean anything more than that it provided me with entertainment for a while... and yes I was angry, but I got over it fast. I've dealt with many 'kids' online in my time mapling and this was hardly the worst of it. I just wanted to... make things clear to those the said person may be misleading. If they ever want to find out the truth that is.
Anyway... I am glad actually, because joining STNR gave me the push I needed to take the plunge into doing subs. And really I have nothing against those currently still in the STNR team.
But well updates. Finished like, 16 mins of the last episode of VSA I'm doing under STNR. Once that's finished I can focus on the releases for... my new group. Well you'll know the name soon enough if my plans go well. Planning to make a short teaser release - Note: Very very short clip. But that'll get all the applications coming in so all the membership application work will start :X. And it's not gonna be easy haha. I just gotta make sure I get enough sleep and NOT fall sick again. My sore throat had turned into a flu and cough and now I'm still coughing -.-'''. Hope it goes away soon! I had quite a lot of sleep during the weekend - napped quite a bit, but I'm still feeling tired. Sigh.
Ah yes! Happy belated friendship day! I've met so many Arashi fans thanks to mixlr, its been great fun and I hope to keep broadcasting for many years to come! Already changed my mixlr subscription from monthly to yearly bill lol. :P
Different people have different standards I guess. For me if I care about something I'll like it to be as perfect as I can make it. Of cos there are a ton of stuff that I care less about and just let things slip by, but once I picked up something, started on something, than I got to do it well. And that's the way I hope to do my translations. :)
Hmm on my fic! Thank you to everyone who's read it! Esp those who commented, thank you! I hope you'll be pleased with how I unfold the story... :P Speaking of it though, I'm kinda in trouble because I've not continued writing yet... I've only prepared chapters to post up till chapter 10, and after that I need to rewrite/edit, and cut the story into various chapters. AND I have like two, three fics planned in my head, one half written even... and IDK when they'll come to fruition hahaha. Still have not watched a ton of their shows too. Sigh. Alright, I shall just stop here and get ready to head to the lab!
random rant