I bought a PSP for my Christmas, and... Woaaaaa I didn't know the quality of the video was that good O_O!! It amazes me lol. Now I can watch dramas and TV shows during my rides in train *o* hehe
This is the background I chose for the menu :D (Ryooo, Yamapiii *o* I don't want to put off my PSP when I'm seeing this screen XD)
And this is when I'm watching a video :-o
(It's a screenshot of ARASHI no Shukudai-kun haha)
I <3 my PSP! Koike Teppei mo!
I've uploaded tons of songs too <3
Including the semi-OST of Cat in the Red Boots *O*
This song is so catchy :D Ikuta Tomaaaaaa, love yaaaa :D
Talking about it, I'm currently watching... nothing XD
Cause I've just finished Maou *o* And Yamada Taro Monogatari *o* And Seito Shokun! :p Next one will be Nodame Cantabile (I'm late lol), and Ryuusei no Kizuna :-o (Ninooo <3)