BRZ is invading my shelves!

Feb 17, 2010 22:42

UWAAaaaa, thank you my Min-chan (≧▽≦)
I've received your pressie (≧▽≦)

An album of BREAKERZ (≧▽≦)

And it's a special edition which contains a photobook *o*

How gorgeous (≧ω≦)

Thank you so much!
And I've also received my Yesasia package!
→ I waited for 2 month o_o (A new record lol)

Yes, I ordered the other edition of this same BREAKERZ album (≧▽≦)
This one includes an amazing live \(≧▽≦)/

And in these two albums, I got 2 new BRZ trading cards!

DAIGO and Aki-sama!

I wanted Shinpii, but my Min-chan already gave me some trading cards of him neee (≧▽≦)

Thank you again!
You're so nice with your Nat ♥


Oh and this is completely off-topic, but I think I'll order ARASHI's Troublemaker~
Because I like the covers and the PV *o* Oh and yesterday I woke up with this song in my mind~~

(Yes. Just after a dream where I was in a video game with chibi Matsujun who was saving me from dangerous people in a store ( ̄▽ ̄;) XD)

Oh and another completely off-topic thing:

I was cleaning my Nino Kazunari scans two weeks ago,
(Why is there TWO red threads in his finger by the way é__è?)

And I saw my Mabo-chan's miracle boy:

Why is it written Satoshi Aiba? O.O

arashi, #mabotofuteam, breakerz, daigo, *friends, ohno satoshi, ninomiya kazunari, *dream, matsumoto jun, aiba masaki, *purchases&gifts

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