
Mar 24, 2006 22:58

i've been playing that zany crazy game called psychonauts, in where you explore peoples minds in 3d worlds trying to accomplish goals here and there as a young aspiring "psychonaut". if thats inadequate description of the game, my appologies, i dont really care to detail what its all about, i'm just using the notation of playing this game as an ( Read more... )

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yourworstfriend March 27 2006, 20:23:58 UTC
Yo Kevin, I feel you.
Here's how I think of the things you've said, whatever it's worth.

Why is a game trivial? Why is it uninteresting? Uninvolvement. I didn't enjoy watching wrestling until I began taking Judo. I didn't care about the show 24 until I'd watched the first few episodes. I never made a piece of art I didn't think would be cool.

I see everything in the world of things (yang, ) as a tree branching out, but the branches are only as thick as your emotional involvement with the subject. You wanted to connect with your Dad to prove you could connect, not watch basketball with him.

I've had times of feeling like I was growing into my parents in ways I didn't want to. This was when I said it was time to be adult and take responsibility for my own development. This is where I would sculpt what I wanted to see out of myself. You can practice on your Dad if you want. I find it's funner with strangers or peers (or both.!) For some reason it gives us more ground to UNEARTH.

I think the greatest challenge is to build something great out of nothing. And we always start with nothing. Every morning.
A conversation can become something great, as a funny idea. Or it can even lead into something to DO...
Figuring out what it is that you enjoy DOING is a big part in having good conversations.
An interesting conversation isn't you rooting for your Dad's home team. It's you telling him something that makes you enthusiastic. I mean, how much joy can you fake?
And what makes you enthusiastic? This is where deep meditation comes in. Or just going out there and looking for it. For me it's lucid moments of hilarity in improv scenes, or in conversations that I can have with creative people. Improv is just a source of consistent fun that I return to. You have a reputation for drumming. Make a beat you feel passionate about. What makes a good beat?
Passive Zombie is hopping on someone else's boat, like sitting down and listening to the conversation already happening in the room.
BALLS is not waiting for the fun, but creating it.
That's what being a man is, to me.

I'm personally revolted by men who are revolted by being men. It's only revolting if you don't have a (insert word meaning faucet knob, or light switch, or general control) on your joy spout/taint tickler/cock&balls.
Guys who fall into girls with auto-agreement and gaa-gaa faces are disgusting. But if you have things that make you enthusiastic, that you can share with people:
not only will you be happy,
but you will connect with people who will multiply your happiness.
I love the feeling of making a pretty girl smile with one of my observations. Maybe that's just me, but it might be my favorite feeling in the world. And I can't do that by trying to entertain her. I can only do that by doing my own thing. It's the entertainer's paradox.

This is the essence of my personal philosophy. Know what you love. Think happy thoughts. Do what makes you happy, that's all. Conversation is secondary. Unless you love conversation, the way I love philosophizing. Don't hate me for "preaching." It's just the way I go.


coolmrkev March 28 2006, 18:13:05 UTC
thanks for that dan. i'll take in to consideration all that you've suggested. i really do appreciate you going to these lengths to help out. peace out bro.


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