First of all, I L-O-V-E this song!! Who knew white boy rap mixed w/ punk could sound so good? I just love how the second half you just zone out because the chorus reaches music nirvana. Ahhh... music to my ears.
Me- "Alright mom, I'm done. I don't want to hear anything about lawns for the rest of my life."
Today I had to do roughly 4 or 5 hours of hard, sweaty lawn work. I like how that's a work-out in itself, but geez! My blisters are getting blisters! I am so dead tired right now. I could only imagine what
samwiseandy_t has to go through at his job, but at least he's getting paid. I'm doing all this shit for free!
Teen Titans- Well I just finished the game. That didn't take long. I'm going to compare this game to X-Men Legends because they are pretty similar. Alright, when I first got the game, I was a little dissapointed for what it was and after I was done w/ it, I was still dissapointed but for an entirely different reason; it actually could have been a really good game. In order to do that though, the graphics need to be updated ASAP! Their pretty bad, almost bordering N64 quality w/ extremely blocky characters. The sound isn't state of the art either, but it isn't as bad as the graphics. The levels range from crappy looking to pretty neat. In one stage you are fighting a ton of baddies in between train tracks as trains swoop by and mow down anyone that gets in the way. That part is as fun as it sounds! X-Men Legends wishes it could be as fun as this game!
There are problems w/ the graphics as well as some of the gameplay. First, the combos can be a little tricky to pull of because they require presise timing, even though all of them just consist of pressing 3 consecutive buttons, which is a problem in itself. You see, though each combo looks very different, the lack of quantity of them starts to make things repetive. If they would have made the combo system a little more forgiving and added a few more combos, the entire game would have been a heck of alot better.
Unlike X-Men Legends, there is no leveling up ur characters, which is a good thing because it makes things fair. In Legends, you level up high enough to fight a boss and just mindlessly hack away until it stops moving w/ little to no stratedy (actually, the entire game feels that way). Not here. Each boss feels unique and exciting and the stages have different objectives.
Next, u get upgrades if you as you progress through the game. The upgrades are pretty much new moves that replace your old ones. For example, Beast Boy's Elephant butt-stomp gets replaced to a lesser fun tiger swipe before being upgraded to the mighty T-Rex transformation, which admittedly, is the best. but not all characters get upgraded w/ better moves. Robin's lighting fast barrage of kicks gets upgraded to a dull brake dance-like spinning kick. It would have been a lot better if you could keep all of your moves and do them at will.
Finally, there is versus game u can play by yourself or against friends (the adventure mode can be played w/ friends as well) called Master of Games. Despite having a whooping 36 unlockable characters and a lot of arenas to fight in, it feels very under developed. Some of the characters feel like copies of others w/ different skins, but atleast the voices are the same as the show. Yeah they look and sound like their suppose to and there's a huge variety of them, but most don't have many combos. Maybe it all just falls down to the lack of attacks the entire game suffers from. Again, this mode has a HUGE potential to be a great thing, but it lacks polish.
So yeah, I liked this game, but I wished they would have worked more on it, even if it meant paying full price at $49.99. But for $19.99, that's not a bad deal at all. It's really fun and has an arcade feel to it w/ linear stages that focus on whooping some ass. Also, though some stages are really long, the entire game is only roughly 5 hours long. Take that as you will.
Rating: 6.5/10