How cool am I?

Aug 15, 2004 02:11

About You

1. Name: Rebecca
2. Age: 15
3. Location: Cape Cod, Massachusetts
4. Height: Uh, I really don't know. Probably 5'3ish?
5. What are you wearing?: Ha, my pajamas. Navy blue gym shorts and an extra large "Spanky's Clam Shack" shirt.
6. Pick a song that describes you and explain why: "Warning" by Incubus. It's about a girl who let's her life pass her by and warns everyone not to let it happen to them. I want to live my life to the fullest and have no regrets. I never want to look back on my life and say "Man, I wish I had done that".

7. Post a 100x100 for our members gallery:

Sorry, it's squished.
8. Post at least 2, at most 5, pictures of yourself:

Smudged eyeliner.

Rockstar makeup.

9. Promote this community to two journals or one community and post the link here:


1. Color: Black.
2. Top 15 Bands: Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional, Bright Eyes, The Doors, Incubus, Smashing Pumpkins, Pink Floyd, Queen, A Static Lullaby, Rush, Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails
3. Top 5 movies: Only 5?! Gah. Can I go over please? Edward Scissorhands, Labyrinth, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Donnie Darko, Ginger Snaps, Requiem For A Dream, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Dark Crystal, Heathers, Moulin Rouge, Big Fish.. Okay I'll stop.
4. Top 5 books: "I Was A Teenage Fairy" by Francesca Lia Block, "Go Ask Alice" by Anonymous, any of the "Harry Potters" by J.K. Rowling, any of the "Lord of The Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien.. and I can't think of a 5th
5. Animal: Armadillo or rat.
6. Place to be: By myself somewhere quiet or at a party. It depends on my mood.
7. Role Model: I don't really have a specific role model. I do look up to some Hollywood actresses though like Angelina Jolie and Christina Ricci. They're so talented, beautiful, and successful.
8. Thing to Eat: Tofu or pizza or ice-cream or chocolate.
9. Season: Summer. I hate school.
10. Hobbies: Playing field hockey, listening to music, watching movies, photography, going to the beach, shopping, hanging out with friends, being alone, eating, sleeping.
11. What is your best quality: I'm very broad-minded. I'm open to new things and I don't judge people solely by their looks.
12. Lyric: "I'm so ugly. That's okay cause so are you." Nirvana -- Lithium. It might not be the most meaningful lyric but it's the first one that came to mind.
13. Joke: Aha. The pink ping pong table joke! It's this joke that my friend and I made up that goes on and on forever. By the end of the joke, everyone you're telling it to wants to kill you cause it took so long and it just isn't funny. But, I'll spare you that joke and give you another one.
Q.What do Monica Lewinsky and a vending machine have in common?
A.They both have openings for inserting bills.
14. Mod: Probably constant_static because she invited me here! She said I seemed awesome. Although, I don't know if she said that just because she wrote the same thing for everyone she invited. =/


1. Homosexuality: What is the huge problem? If two people love each other then I'm all for them having a relationship and being with one another. Why hate on a couple who is perfectly happy and content with one another just because they don't have different genitalia?
2. Labels: They're not fair and they're stereotypical. I try my hardest not to use them but they're always going to be there. I guess some people just need some sort of way to group one another.
3. The Mods: Uh I love them? Ha, no really I'm not sucking up. I'm a mod for a community and it is a whole lot of work. I applaud all of you.
4. How you look: Eh, with loads of makeup I can be okay looking. But I think anyone with loads of makeup can be okay looking.
5. The current president: Oh my lord. I abhor him. Don't even get me started. I disagree with most of his views and sides of most of the political issues and I hate the way he's dealing with Iraq. Get the troops the hell out of there you idiot. He mainly just cares about what's best for him and his class. He knows war = profit and that's all he cares about. Gah, go here if you're interested
6. Emo and other scenes: To be perfectly honest I have no idea about "scenes". I like emo music? I don't know exactly what scenes are. All I know is that I hear a lot of people say "Fuck the scene". And I read a book about the "Hardcore Scene" in the 80s.
7. Abortion: I think that if two people are having sex whether it's protected or not, they should be prepared for the possibility of fertility. If a woman does get pregnant due to consensual sex I believe she should keep the child. Why murder a helpless soul because the parents were careless or made a mistake? But, if the woman in the situation is raped I don't believe she should have to keep the child. It wasn't her decision.
8. Drugs/Alcohol/Smoking: Uh, I admit I do all of that. I'm not exactly proud of it and I don't go around bragging about it but I have fun doing it. You only live once, why not live your life doing something you enjoy? I know it's dangerous and blah blah but it's my decision so please don't preach to me about it. I have nothing against people who don't do any of that though. More power to you for not giving into the temptation.
9. Pre-Marital sex: All for it. If two people love each other why not? Even if they don't love each other, and just want to have fun go for it. As long as they're both accepting of the possibility of pregnancy and accepting of the responsibility that comes with it.
10. SxE: I'm obviously not straight edge. Some straight edge kids really piss me off when they think they're the shit simply because they're edge. Cool. Keep it to yourself. But again, if you're not preaching to me about it more power to you.

This or That:

1. Jesse Lacey or John Nolan?: Jesse Lacey
2. Ice Cream or Pizza?: Ah! How can you even compare the two? They're so different! Uh.. Pizza I guess?
3. Hardcore or Softcore?: Softcore
4. Emo or Screamo?: Emo
5. Rap or Metal?: Uh.. Rap I guess. I'm not into metal too much. I like it sometimes.
6. Cherry Coke or Mountain Dew?: Cherry Coke
7. Snowboarding or Skiing? Snowboarding
8. Penis or Vagina?: Well I have a vagina. But I prefer penises.
9. Orange, Straberry or Banana? Strawberry
10. Horror Movies or Chick Flicks?: Horror
11. Sharpie or Magic Marker?: Sharpie!
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