i'm home. exciting. no. have to explain shit because my dad is fucking retarded. whatever. it's been fun. hope there is something to do friday...alright. no one cares what i write...i've got pictures.
on the pictures where it was dark, my imaging software made the graphics blow.
halla, skippy, sam, and me
dave's new hair
dave and his cell phone
dave n skippy = big hair
more bad graphics..but it's pat, rikki, halla, sam, jasper, devin, elie
skippy wanted me to take this picture, so i did.
halla n skippy at wendy's
jasper in halla's hawaiian punch pj's
this would have been a really cute picture but i had a couple more chins than i should have.
rikki at wendy's, amazed because the frosty is stuck to the spoon
dave and little nick rollin dice in the alley
sam on the teeter-totter
skippy's big hair
sam's big hair
steph's new hair.
bad graphics...again : devin, halla, skippy, elie (on the swing with a back), then rikki, pat, and sam, were on the side