uh huh.

Jun 20, 2003 20:37

while i was going through my pictures, making another background, i found this one, and i love it. sometimes this kid drives me insane and it makes me want to jump in front of a moving car...but he is my best friend and we've been through so much together...he knows i got nothing but love for him and he's like my brother.

i've been talking to nick...like in the last 2 minutes...i'm glad that things are over, i care about adam a lot. i think more than he understands. i feel bad cuz i am mean, haha, and i can be a wicked big bitch...and with me being gone for so much of the summer, it puts such a strain on everything...i hope he's able to accept things this way.
alyssa would approve of him. she always said things about how i wear this mask, how i'm not always myself...the greatest thing is, i can be myself..my stupid, immature, obnoxious self...and he loves it. he'll listen to me cry...well, he insists on listening to me cry even when i don't want him to. he'll jus sit there on the phone when i know he hates it...he'll listen to me ramble on about useless things and quite possibly things that may offend him. he writes me poetry and makes me presents...he's just simply amazing.

i think i understand the dots and blanks and commas...
i can't make fun of you for it anymore, haha.

so instead of going on about what no one cares about...here is the scoop:
party yesterday was a great time.

matthew wore sarah's old bathing suit.

more pictures found here:

matt checking himself out.

series of pictures from when sarah tried to free matt fromt the floaty

right after i ball tapped matthew

tony rubbing his hairy baby-bottle-shaped nipple.

sarah and the frog floaty

the people who arrived early...when it was colder.

stick the cherries in ur bum.

she is going to kill me for this.

so many more people were there <3

a lot more people were suppost to show up...good thing they didn't.
the people that did show up, thank you for helping make my afternoon a good one.

yea, so i guess we were too loud, we were swearing, there were people dressed in appropriatly, i had "too many" people (even tho there isn't a limit), i gave the old guy an attitude, etc. etc., 5 people called the association. yea, they called my step dad...a few of you witnessed what he is capable of...yea, he broke my cell phone in half with his hands...he was mad..i'm not talking a flip phone either. nokia. damn. anyhow....i got grounded from going anywhere for this weekend and for the next month i can't have people over and i can't use the computer...at all...haha, yea right.

i'm like a heroin adict..when i need my fix...theres nothing holding me back.

yea, so i still get to go out...after this weekend.
like i said before: if you need me, leave a message on my phone with a number to call you at, and i'll do just that.
the number: 603-204-8987

i'm done for now.
enjoy the first official weekend of summer.

i heart my adam cakes.
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