pick 20 users...yea...

Jun 16, 2003 19:17

1. you're mom really hates me. i slept on your couch friday, in your arms on saturday, and cried to you on sunday. you make me smile...and i happen to be your girlfriend.

2. you are like my sister, i fuckin love you. we've been through so much. you are actually shaving and getting ready to come over my house right now. i miss the old days...haha, remember when we went apple picking...and AKIMOTO. yea, thats right. i hope our plans for new jersy don't fall through. <3

3. you are my best friend of the male gender. you wont read this because you don't have a computer. i live at your house 2-3 weekends out of a month and you enjoy beating the living shit out of me.

4. we started it. you, jess, dave and i. you have amazing hair, and you are absolutly beautiful...but you dont believe it. you are so very strong i can't begin to think about how it must be like. you know i'm never going newhere and that i'll always be here for you...and to kick stupid chos in the heart.

5. i made out with ricky nevoux in your attic back in 8th grade. we sat in mr lancourts room every 7th period when i got kicked out of my study permanently. i jus recently brought to your attention the crazy obsession with penguins we used to have. you also sat next to me in band...when you played the saxophone that is.

6. i have always thought you were beautiful, even when i sat there and called you ugly. i admire your talent. i got really drunk and kissed you...and proceeded to feel bad about it. i seem to see you more now...but i wish we had better conversations.

7. i spent both proms shaking my ass with you. you are absolutly beautiful and i love how close we are becoming. i look forward to the conversations we have and this summer we will hang out....a lot.

8. you and your raver boyfriend from groton are absolutly the cutest thing...ever. i also spent both proms shaking my ass with you...however...i helped katie take the elastics out of your hair with a metal fork.

9. the first time i met you, you kissed me. you and your girlfriend are fuckin adorable and i ball-tapped you when you wore those amazing plaid shorts.

10. the first time i met you i got super trashed and punched your best friend in the face. now we take lots of pictures and shake our asses. you got busted for taking cardboard cut outs.

11. we used to hang out a lot. i used to sleep over your house and we'd eat pizza. your mom used to teach ccd because the merrimack kids hated us....fuckin merrimack kids.

12. you and i had a very rocky start, but now we hang out and have fun. i enjoy your company and your jokes. i love how you have so much power and we def need to have just a girls day out. <3

13. i've known you for a really long time. i remember the first time we went swimming at your house. i also remember when we all went to the mall on friday nights and you would wear your big jeans with holes over your purple fishnet tights. you also used to be best friends with my brother.

14. you wore the same dress as me for graduation. we were suppost to frolick through the hallways. we both flashed people out of dean's car window and you have amazing hair. i love going to shows with you and plan on hanging out with you a lot this summer. you helped spike my hair with the casualty spray.

15. i fuckin love you. we never hang out nemore...but when we do talk we have really long conversations...we need to hang out soon. we shook our bums at senior prom and your boyfriend grabbed my ass. we used to go to parties and twist your hair with beezwax. when we first met we hated eachother.

16. this is for 2 people. you both are absolutly beautiful. you came to my last pool party and got taco bell...you came back with matthew. we need to hang out more. much more.

17. you recently got in a car accident.we have had some of the most amazing experiences...whther it be driving around skipping school or apple picking and getting in whippcream fights...we've grown kind of distant, but we've made it through the rough times. move back to nashua.

18. you are the sweetest girl ever. you and sebi = fuckin adorable. we need to hang out wayyy more. you are a livejournal whore and know all there is to know about lay outs...i come to you to help me with mine. woot! you are brilliant and mature for your age...sorry i couldn't make it to the show with you :o(

19. i refer to you as toilet bowl. we went trick or treating together and you look way cute in your glasses. so smart. you play video games such as zelda and refer to foreplay as playing nintendo, or watching toy story.

20. i laughed very hard at your hair and at your school picture. you come to my house and blame everything on being hispanic. i slept over your house and you shave your belly. yea, we def need to hang out more.

i needed more:

21. you are adorable. you think i'm cute and you love rainbows and bright colors. you took me to the drive in's and was the first person to go swimming with us. you still have my chocolate soy milk bottle...watch out, it probably smells. you need to come around a lot more. mwah.

22. we talk in school, and we should talk outside of school, but we dont very often. you called me recently for matthew's number and refer to me as "t-diddy". we played softball and tuook advantage o mrr. bosch.

23. you drive like an ass and we use to steal things together...before you got arrested. we watched donnie darko at your house and rode around on the city bus. you want to beat up a friend of mine, and actually tried to do so at dairy queen. you no longer have a livejournal, and girls treat you like shit. <3

24. you are funny, i danced with you at junior prom and you also happened to be my ride. you drive like a crazy man, but it's all good. you also like to compliment my hair. i enjoy it...you need to come to my pool party.

25. you fell down the stairs and derek ripped your pants off. you got angry with me because i didnt want to play risk and you were upset with me at senior prom. you are absolutly hilarious and speak fondly of butt sex. you came to my last party and drive a really loud car.

26. you left me and moved to goffstwon. we use tohang out and you stuck a balloon in your pants pretending to be mr. yenco at a graduation party in 6th grade. you listen to good music and need to come visit me more. no questions asked.

anyhow...here's my day.
finals were ok. instead of even attempting most of my spanish final, i just copied other peoples. i did about 1/3 of it and got the rest from greg, who was unaware of the fact that i was copying, and craig who was copying off of chris...who is brilliant. my government final took 10 minutes to finish. 50 were true or false and 21 were multiple choice.
after finals i saw my boy, went home, alyssa came over, we ate mac and cheese, went swimming, jeff and katie baby came over, we all sat around..i got a sunburn...sean came, alyssa left, katie baby and jeff hung out in my living room while we made fun of my siblings. that has pretty much been the extent of my afternoon. i'm going to go read night now...or atleast skim through it.

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