Oct 03, 2011 11:40
So I had a snarky epiphany just now. To me, a libertarian is a Republican who reallllllly didn't like George Bush.
There has been a slew of posts on my Facebook recently that have dealt with people watching sports. What I really want to post is, "No one cares about your such and such sports team!! Cuz I don't! I really don't! i also notice not too many people comment on those posts either. That's because posting a response either positive and negative is not worth it. What's a person to say? "Oh you are right they really did a good job of scoring points. And then someone leaped! And caught that sports object! I'm so glad I saw that happen!" Or what about a negative reaction...."boo you suck at watching the right sports team. When you saw your faux-tribe miss a...thing..." Oh I don't know. What I'm getting at is I think most people do not respond to those sorts of messages because their time is much more valulable clicking, I dunno, a coupon. Needless to say, I want people to stop posting that shit. It's a sickness.
Speaking of sicknesses, People also need to stop posting political views as pictures on their facebook. It just seems tacky. And remember when you used to get fowarded chain emails? Well now they are on facebook too.Whenever i see one of my friends post a message that ends with"repost if you agree",I pretend they have an STD called "Facebook herpes". So when I see multple post of different things. I think "Oh noes! They have a flare up!"
It's ironic that i come to livejournal to gossip behind facebook's back.