Oct 29, 2010 11:16
When I was in my third year of college, before coming out to my roommate, he asked his then girlfriend about what I do when they were not there. "I don't know," she said, "Greg things?" I thought that was funny as I did pretty much the same things when no one else was at the apartment anyway. I studied, played games, and read comics, mostly.
I would also contemplate what I was going to do next in life. at the time i was trying to convince myself to be a teacher, and on the whole being successful at that. (That next summer was my first Interlochen summer, and that helped push me in that direction.) I also wanted, but to a lesser extent, to be a professional singer. I had people comment to me(and still do) that I should go on American Idol, but that wasn't the type of audience or the way I wanted to go.
But that was basically it. I wasn't in a relationship. That wouldn't happen for at least a year and some change.
It doesn't feel like that much has changed since then. Except that I need more money, and the teaching thing is sort of a no go right now. I've really sunken into playing games. I think thats because they have the most easily attainable goals for me. "Beat this score!" is much easier to do than say "Sing in an opera company!" or "Pay for grad school!" or even "Buy a car that won't break down!"
I also think it's easier to live under a blanket of contentment. I'm in a stable relationship, I work enough to pay the bills, and still have enough left over for little things. Sometimes changing something to get to a new goal feels I could destroy that.
But that's not how one gets forward. I need to risk to get what I want. That's what my whole philosophy used to be about, and it needs and will be so again. But I need to keep things in perspective, I think.
It is time to make small moves to get toward the big ones. So I pledge to myself to do at least one task everyday to get to my goals. Next post: what that list of goals will be.