Ladytron - Velocifero

Apr 13, 2008 00:53

I never post anymore. Whenever I have a few thoughts that seem blog-worthy I always end up second guessing myself. I feel like everything is either too personal to throw on the internet or there's someone else out there who's more of an authority on the subject than I am. So after a few lines of type I end up closing my browser. Bleh. This is something I just need to get over. Anyhow....

... I was pretty excited yesterday to see that one of my favorite bands had made some new songs. Ladytron is back with their fourth studio album, Velocifero. Although it isn't as solid as their last disc, Witching Hour, it's pretty close. Not every song hits home, but when one does, it hits really hard. Plus, Ladytron is good at keeping their cool, synthy atmosphere going strong throughout, so even if every song doesn't specifically kick ass the album as a whole is still really solid.

1. Black Cat
2. Ghosts
3. I'm Not Scared
4. Runaway
5. Season Of Illusions
6. Burning Up
7. Kletva
8. They Gave You A Heart, They Gave You A Name
9. Predict The Day
10. The Lovers
11. Deep Blue
12. Tomorrow
13. Versus

Make sure to click the blue links for my favorites. You just might like them too.

Also, I want to start up my album e-mail dealie thing again. PM me your e-mail if you want in, or if you were in before and want out.

Also, also, I'm trying out DivShare for the first time so let me know if the links go funky.
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