i am deaf or 'happy birthday, kazu-chan' (no not kazuki ^^°)

Oct 30, 2006 23:26

this is related to 7nuan's text (did she close her blog after jin left? -_-) where she said that the kids started adressing each other with 'akanishi-kun' and 'kamenashi-kun' except when they slipped

and i thought 'what do you mean they slipped' then i saw kattun x 3 and there was this *one* time where kame said 'jin' instead of 'akanishi'. if you are accostumed to calling someone by his surname you don't usually slip and say his name instead do you? (well except yanagi did he said hiro-chan although he normally calls aiba 'aiba-kun'. aiba: O_o what did you say??)

and then yesterday i watched the clip where they celebrated kame's 19th birthday on gokusen II set (kagami take off that hat thing please?), everybody sang the birthday for kame and the blew out the candles together. at the part in the birthday song where it says 'happy birthday XXX' they messed up because they each addressed kame differently / didn't know how to address him. afterwards jin came to kame gave him a pot of flowers and a bird plushie (isn't this something you give to your girlfriend? kame is your male colleague, baganishi. just marry him already) he acted like a teacher and made kame sing the birthday song with him. at the same part, the two of them also messed up, i guess because kame didn't know how jin was planning to address him (so it's not always 'kamenashi'?) so he went for 'kame-chan'. i was kind of happy after that because jin was forced to sing the same. but today i read another post and went back to watch it again just to realize that jin was singing 'happy birthday KAZUYA which turned to KAZU-CHAN because kame was going for kame-chan

just like that i heard jin address kame as 'kazu-chan'.

end of weird rant

kame, jin

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