The Singles Cruise, Sunday 9/17

Sep 18, 2017 02:09

Ive got to write this down while its still fresh and I'm in this mood.

Allison, coworker turned new friend, asks to hang out on Sunday for a singles cruise around downtown Manhattan. She brings another friend along as well. I had no idea what to expect, but turns out it was a casual speed dating event.

It sucked! Hahaha

And by sucked, I mean it was slim pickings. She and I were overdressed. Here is a beautiful French girl with a black dress and high heels, large gold earrings. I, in shorts and black blazer, also in heels, and freshly dyed hair. I didn't even think I made that much of an effort, but I knew I stood out. I could feel the hunters analyzing their prey. That feeling- every woman knows when she's being checked out, its a combination of not-to-be-proud-of flattery and absolute dread.

The drinks were small, and the only food available was pizza we had to serve for ourselves straight out of the box.

The amazing thing about it was the view, and the music. Sunset cruise under the Brooklyn Bridge and a mix of hip hop and reggaeton, Latin music, even a Cupid shuffle got snuck in there. Allison, friend, and I had a great time for just that. We gave up on the dating aspect and just partied. I got pretty drunk.

I had 2 awesome occurrences however:

1) One guy, Trent (said his name tag) had the balls to approach me and start a conversation. He spoke to me most of the night. He also wouldn't let me out of his sight and followed me to the restroom and to the bar to not buy me a drink. I told him I have a mini blog on sex and dating. When Tinder came up, I told him I'd love to offer a non-biased service to help men with their Tinder profile- to see what they do not, to tell them why their bait sucks. Bluntly put, "I'd love to help you get laid, man." So he busted out his Tinder, I critiqued, and even took updated photos for him. That part of the night was fun. He wants to "stay in touch".

2) I was asleep in my Uber on the way home. Clutch and take out doggy bag strewn all over the backseat, high heels kicked off, head lolled back. The backseat door opens, and two men come inside the car, one of the guys sits shotgun. I forget I'm in an Uber Pool. The one who sat in the back with me started talking and asking how my night went. I mentioned the cruise. He said he and his buddy were failing at partying that night as well. Anyway, he gets my information. And he's cute! I was checking him out as soon as he got in the car. Those high heels came right the fuck back on! I was begging for him to ask for my number the whole conversation in the car. I hope he got a good look at my ass as I got out of the car and walked up the block to my apt. I'm sure he, his friend, and the uber driver were looking.

So overall - IT WAS A GREAT NIGHT!!


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