i was bored...so here you go, i stole this one from lisa sel

Apr 08, 2004 14:03

i was bored, and felt left out, plus i had a 1/2 hour to kill before work. so here goes.

a b o u t m e:

1) name: Nicole Ann Burnedette Arnold
2) single or taken: single
3) sex: female
4) birthday: december 25..how cool is that
5) sign: capricorn...i think thats the best sign.
6) siblings: big sister, big brother, and little sister
7) hair: black
8) eye color: sky blue
9) shoe size: 9..yikes

r e l a t i o n s h i p z:

10) do you have a boy/girl friend? no i do not
11) who is it?
11) when did you go out with him/her?
12) how long has it been?
14) do you have any kids? nah, it'd be kinda cool if i had a real little sister though..like 2yrs old.

f a v o r i t e s:

15) color(s): pink, black, sea blue
16) drink(s): im very thirsty right now actually.
17) place to visit: i'd like to go anywhere except poverty stricken towns.
18) subject in school: science and psychology
19) animal(s): all animals. esp. pebbles and chich and malcom X
20) sport(s): golf
21) movie(s): lady and the tramp
22) rapper(s): NONE

h a v e y o u e v e r?
22) smoked: no
23) drink alcohol: yes
24) bungee jump: no way
25) loved someone: yes, but i was never IN LOVE with someone if thats what the question is implying
26) cried to get out of trouble: probabaly
27) pictured you crush naked: only my teacher Paul
28) seen your crush naked: i have not
29) lied: yeah, but only when i forget to say i was kidding
30) fallen for your best friend: Shauna
31) cheated on your boy/girl friend: only an idiot would do such a thing
32) been rejected: probably
33) done something that you regret: of course
34) what was it: going to my moms wedding

r a n d o m t h i n g s:

35) on your desktop: me and lauren with oranges
36) things on your computer desk: pencil cup, glass cup, lots of pictures, picture frams, my glasses, video camera tapes, 4 letters to cleo cds, desk lamp, post its in an N shape, cdr's, books, 2 stuffed animals, cat box.
r i g h t n o w:

37) wearing: scrub pants, and the wizard of oz t-shirt..im ready for work.
38) jewerly: nothing
39) eating: nothing
40) drinking: nothing
41) on mind: what am i doing tonight and what time should i leave for work.

l a s t p e r s o n you:

42) touched: hm i dunno
43) hugged: the fine
44) kissed: pebbles gets a kiss whenever i leave the house, and come home
45) yelled at: lauren more than likely
46) called: hmm lauren i think
47) imed: the fine
48) said "i love you" to: that was the fine also

a r e y o u?

49) happy: sometimes. more not than yes
50) understanding: with certain things
51) smart: nah
52) healthy: nope
53) responsible: with certain things, like paul
54) hyper: sometimes, when something good is going to happen
55) angry: quite often
56) sad: everytime im alone
57) attractive: i am not
58) trusting: yes
59) difficult to understand: nah, im not that complicated at all
60) shy: yes, always
61) interesting: never
62) gay/lesbian: only with certain opportunities
63) obsessed: nah i wouldnt think so
64) legal: yeah. im 18

w h o d o y o u w a n t t o:

65) talk to: no one right now, im feeling quiet
66) hug: anyone who showered today
67) kiss: anyone who brushed their teeth and used some mouth wash
68) see: no one inparticular, im a pretty solitare person
69) look like: many moore, or hilary duff..fefe dobson is a new one.
70) BITCH SLAP: hm i dunno
71) kill: wiggers, and thugs

w h i c h i s b e t t e r?

72) pepsi or coke: coke
73) tall or short: doesnt matter, but short boys are kinda odd
74) flowers or candy: flowers ..the firework ones are the best.

o p p o s i t e s e x:

75) what do you notice first? clothes and hair
76) eye color: blue or green are best
77) height: taller than me
78) hair: usually long, short hair on boys is just weird
79) nationality: doesnt really matter i suppose
80) personality: a great one
81) looks: well im not up to typin it all

d i d y o u e v e r?

82) sit in front of the computer all day: nah, not all day.
83) save im conversations: if i need to send them out, yes
84) wish you were younger: always
85) wish you were someone else: always
86) cried for something someone said: sadly i have

n u m b e r:

87) hearts you broke: none, you'd have to be a fool
88) your heart was broken: i have not
89) close friends: i have a select few that im quite pleased with.
90) people you hate: theres some, but i cant think of who it is
91) scar(s)/birth mark(s):i have one scar, on my face, go figure
92) places i lived: 3 if you count the first house.

t h o u g h t s:

93) i miss: my dad
94) i regret: too many things
95) i love: my family..friends
96) i hear: fiona apple
97) i wish: i could live with my dad
98) i hate: when im home alone
99) i want: to go back to when i was younger
100)i wonder: what my next move should be
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