7 things...

Feb 25, 2008 22:27

There's no point in me forwarding this since all my friends on here have already been tagged I'm sure. But if you haven't been, consider this an honorary tagging and post 7 things about yourself:

1. My father is an entomologist. That means I grew up with weird shit around the house like Igor the headless cockroach. Believe it or not those things can live without a head for over a week, as long as you seal the wound up and inject their belly with food.

2. I have never been stung by anything. No bees, wasps, yellow jackets, or even ants. They probably fear retaliation from my bugologist dad.

3. I work at the school where my parents met and got married. (Side note: My mom grew up in a wealthy part of the bay area and my dad grew up on a vegetable farm in central Alabama. --- I'm from Kentucky.)

4. I once worked for a place called "The Tobacco and Health Research Institute" in kentucky. My work was on how to genetically modify tobacco plants so there leaves would grow bigger. I guess the health part was referring to the plants.

5. I have never broken a bone in my body.

6. I once ran into a high school friend in a park in Paris. Neither of us knew we were in Paris. I was only in the city for 3 days. So in a city of, what, 12 million we happen to be in the same park at the same time. What the fuck are the odds on that?

7. I can play the saxophone and the piano, though I'm years out of practice at this point.

forwards, personal

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