Do any of you kids rememember
Peter Combe? You know, the best children's pop star in the universe? No not the Spice Girls :P I still have all his CD's and cassette tapes (heh, remember those folks?). I was driving home from college the other day and my favourite radio station, Triple J, were interviewing him. I couldn't believe it! Did you know he's going around Australia, playing his old kiddie songs at clubs for the 20-23 year olds that listened to his music way back when?! I was shocked that I had not gone to his gig at the Metro, were apparently "Rain" was just absolutely beautiful as the massive crowd sang along, drinks in hand, all young 20 year olds...
Anyway, he eventually played a medley of a couple of his famous songs ('Juicy Juicy Green Grass' and 'Newspaper Mama')and I of course started singing outrageously loud along with the songs (I still know all the words). The was a little traffic jam and the cars all had stopped so I was probably rather noticible. The song ends and I notice the guy in the car in front of me is looking into his rear vision mirror at me and starts clapping really really dramatically, laughing his head off xD
I'm glad I had stopped, as I reckon I'd probably crash the car in a fit of laughter xD
I was almost going to pull over and request 'Exterminate' and 'Jack and the Beanstalk,' because, well, they were my absolute favourite songs, but I really wasn't in a good place to pull over so there went that idea.
Speaking of cars and driving, I'm going for my green P's in a matter of minutes. (I had the best dream about it last night too, except the test was more of a series of quests, LotR style xD). So wish me luck, and I'll keep you posted, because I just know you're all dying to know xD