I'm in despair! The internet has me in despair!

Mar 03, 2008 08:14

So I am back at college right now. Not feeling particularly inspired or creative at the moment, I have way way way too many issues on my mind right now x_X Eventually I'll go find the mental brain flush button sooner or later xD


I saw the most beautiful sunset sunrise this morning when I was driving. I wish I had a chance to pull over and take nice pictures, but a messy polluted landscape never serves wonderous sights like that justice heh. I worked 20 hours on the weekend too o_0, but since PERSONA 3 OMFG!!is actually coming out in Australia on Thursday, I figured I could use the extra cash and finally, after almost 2 years of waiting for it to come out to Aus, play the damn game.

I also have gotten myself into another anime on the weekend. For all your teacher-with-sucidal-tendancies-and-his-class-that-are-all-psycho-to-boot-set-in-a-black-humoured-environment needs, look no further than Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (So long, Mr Despair). I actually discovered it through a Phoenix Wright parody of their opening video (of which I would link to, but the college computers ban youtube D:), which has really awesome, although randomly sexual, animation. Lots of despair. Funny despair xD

But yeah.

Persona 3 on Thursday OMG!!!!!!!!!1!11!1one!
If all goes well, I can buy it Thursday, then spend my friday off playing it and finish with vegies and Juno/Sweeny Todd in the city.

Yeeessssssss *high fives*

persona 3, anime, college

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