Dec 31, 2007 20:55
After much deliberation and what not, I have finally decided what take away food I will have first, as my year 'ban' from McDonald's, KFC, Subway etc etc will be lifted in a matter of hours.
*drum roll* omg suspense!
A medium (we don't want to go overboard do we? My body might start doing funny things now. REJECTION! xD) mcnuggets meal with sweet and sour sauce and a caramel sundae to dip my chips in!!!!
It took me a while to think of what I really missed the most. My only problem now is finding a Maccas that will be open on New Years Day. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
The best of wishes for everyone for the new year, make the most of. Take it head on and make it yours!!!! This year will be my year... again!! :P
Hears to 2008!
Now excuse me while I go spend NYE either sleeping or reading Death Note and His Dark Materials :D