May 22, 2006 20:30
SOOOOOOOOOO SORE!!!! As Nav put it "My arse is on fire!!"
We went horse riding yesterday up in Glenworth Valley! It was AWESOME. I got a great horse called Dingo and she was great...different from the usual shit horses they give u on trails... and what was also good about this one is that we get to just ride away from the group and do whatever. Pretty good! Ya just take off and yeah! It's awesome! Except poor Dez got the crap horse cos he doesnt have much experience wouldnt move!!! I had to lead him at one stage... But Dez is a natural in the saddle, he did really well :-D Im so proud of him hehe!
Anywho, so that was fun fun fun!
So sore and tired that I have given up on my essay for the night... It's due on friday and like...meh. I just cbf on a monday night. Im a last minute girl god damnit!!!! haha - hey, if it works for meeee! :D
cant be bothered to write anything else...