Feb 19, 2006 21:18
well here is how my weekend went. It started off friday at the cafe I got really really drunk and my friend was having her b-day party so we all just sat around there for a while a drunk a few beers..........then we came to my house and had a party here everything was goin great for a while then some guy started some crap so I had to take my drunk ass up the stairs and I fell at the top but I made it so I went out side and had to kick his ass out after that everything was all good again back to beer drinking time well a few mins later one of my friends came down and told me there was some drunk ass chick in my bathroom and she puked everywhere so there goes my drunk ass up the stairs again lol I got up there and she was passed the fuck out on the shitter lol funniest thing I have ever saw then I we had to change her and that wasn't easy let me tell ya lol so we finally got her to the car and got her home..........then everything was great after that oh and no names lol dont wanna embarrass anyone ok well that was friday........Saturday we cleaned up from Fridays mess and just sat around try'n to figure out what to do well we never figured out anything so everyone went to sleep.....well about 8 we decide to get up and go to the Pub we drank some beer play'd some games then went to the VFW which blew some major balls there wasn't shit goin on there so we left there and came back to the house..................and for today I went to Jonesville to watch Fizz play ball which was great cause my boy hens was one the other team so it was a very interesting game after that we just came here and chilled...............................and that was my wonderful weekend