
Sep 08, 2008 17:09

hey...everyone. sup??nmh!well my days going well. guess what? i officially know how to make pancakes now!!!well first two pancakes that i tried making came out funky. so i just threw em away. then the last 2 came out good. =). yea i had to lower the heat. so im happy. oh and guess what came in the mail today??well i worked as a poll worker for the primary election a week ago. and well my poll worker check came. and guess how much i made??$135.00. WOOHOO. man im soo excited that it came. though im gonna try and save most of it. yepz. well anywho thats pretty much how my days going right now. well..i,g2g,bye!-Kelly aka Kel!p.s. until next time.peace outz.
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