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rainb0wsocks September 26 2011, 00:15:22 UTC
Hello, I've been following your Tony at ilpromenade for a while and I've been noticing a few things which have been out of character for him in my opinion.

First off, the most recent would have to be his reaction to Pepper's death. Pepper is a very important person to Tony, he says to her directly "You're all I have." and quite frankly I felt his reaction both as she was dying and in the aftermath was out of character for him. I understand that he hasn't had a Pepper in-game with him for a while and that his feelings aren't easy to delve into at times and that he is socially stunted at best; But despite that, I think his lack of reaction, and the lack of description regarding the event is quite shocking. It felt like there was more of a reaction when he found out about Charles dying than Pepper. Or the fact that you stated he was looking for Noah to find out what happened to her. And yet he stated to someone that he thought Pepper was "possibly dead"; Tony would be the type to make sure someone he cared for so much was dead, try to get there to save their life before anything happened, even if he didn't make it. He's done this for Pepper in each movie.

Now, if there were an explanation behind this, a motivation, a purpose, it didn't come across clearly at all, instead it just doesn't feel like I was reading Tony Stark.

Second off, your lack of activity with him is also off-putting. I understand that real life take priority over rolepay any day, however, you currently have five characters in this game. That is a lot even for someone who doesn't have school work and other real life issues to worry about. Tony should be playing a bigger role in the events, especially considering the fact that he runs The Resistance and is a super hero. His lack of activity, in my opinion, is out of character. At the very least he should try to delegate the massive work load he's put upon himself to others. But right now it looks like you are really uninterested in playing the character, that you just post with him to keep others from being disappointed if you dropped. If you are keeping him around to interact with friends, maybe it would be better to musebox with him until your drive to play him more comes back. This would also give you more time to post with your other characters who you have the drive to play right now as well.

I hope you give my advice some thought and I wish you luck on your future RP endeavors.

Also. As a side note you said you have anon enabled on this HMD box, but it was not.


coolexec September 26 2011, 06:33:03 UTC
When it comes to Pepper dying, Tony is having a reaction but I'm actually worried about playing him OOCly with his grief because she's so important to him. As she was dying, he was on his way to try to get to her which I probably should have shown better but he was trying to be rational for once and trying to keep her being rational and not defeatist seeing as she said 'I don't think you're going to make it' or something along those lines. He got attacked on the way which effectively knocked out his communication. When Pepper comes back, I plan to have a private log with the player to discuss stuff where Tony will have a reaction but even though he's been in game a long time there are still times where he tries to show a more public face to people. There are details - I don't like playing out actual drunkenness because I'm not the best at it - but he has been drinking and he is feeling like shit. But also, given that he's been in the game nine, almost ten months, he knows that people come back. He knows that it's sad, it's upsetting but they get second chances in the city but once I get hold of Pepper's player, we'll have a private log with them having dinner etc and then they'll actually discuss what happened. Tony using text for his post was also to try to hide the fact that he's a wreck right about now but I worry about playing him OOC with his feelings so I'm trying to do what he did when he was dying which is deny and hide seeing as it'd be ooc for him to be drunk as hell and throwing ridiculous parties/getting into fights with his best friend in Prom here. As for trying to find Noah, that seems more like a detail you've gotten from plurk but he isn't actually out and doing anything so I apologise for wording there - he's trying to get in contact with her, yes, but the PORTAL is going nowhere so he's waiting to see if she's going to come back with the people who've returned or if she's really gone seeing as she left mid-event.

Tony's activity has been quiet because there were meant to be plans for the resistance but other schedules haven't worked out for it. If I'm honest? Having a Pepper in the game has thrown my activity with him a lot because it's been a long time since I've had one and there were a few things I wanted to do but the player went on hiatus so I put them on hold and I recently apped him in a second game (which I dropped and this game had been my 'home' game for going on two years) where he was more active. Honestly, there are a lot of posts where I don't think Tony would really have anything but I would like to link you to this which is my AC for July and August to prove I had enough CR for extra characters: http://daysshouldlast.livejournal.com/30925.html This month I had plots with some of my other characters that were very important and sometimes if you've been doing a lot with one character you need a little break. This month was more to build CR with my newest character and to re-establish others a little because sometimes they're more fun to play and interact with as they don't feel just as god-mode as Tony at times. I plan on getting Resistance people together OOCly to discuss delegating work but trying to get everyone together and in one place even in an OOC comm is hard work. I do have a great interest in playing Tony and I love playing him but my other characters need CR too and I don't want too much CR overlap at times which can be hard in Il Promenade. I had planned for him to do more in the event but it's not just school - usually posts go up and get a lot of threads and tags going and I'm uncomfortable hopping in because in my timezone, I know that people are going to have to wait for me to tag them back because for the most part they're in the states so I'm five or eight hours ahead of them.

Apologies if some of this is badly phrased but I'm rushing off to a class but I wanted to answer you before it got later in the day and I forgot what I wanted to say.

I'll also get to working on the anon issue - it should be enabled looking at the account options I've set up.


coolexec September 26 2011, 21:19:53 UTC
The anon comment below is me, testing that anon is enabled. Captcha is on as well as screening to try to help filter spam comments out.

Reading back over the 'possibly dead' - that was not an in-character comment and it's a hideous slip but the comment was worded differently originally as to how the list of names was written. He talks about her being dead in later comments to people. I know this looks like back pedalling but I was getting lists of the dead as I went so the wording of the tag changed as I was both typing it and then again after an edit. We all make mistakes and I apologise for that because I do try to proofread my tags before I hit send. Later threads in the post as Tony spoke more have had him opening up - due to the timezone I'm in, I had to leave some threads last night as the plan had been from the start of the post to have him opening up a little more the longer he was talking but I didn't want to just have him talking about his personal feelings right off the bat because that didn't feel right for him.

As for the death post itself, I apologise for handling that badly. It probably was OOC and I'm going to make sure that it won't happen again - I should have probably had a comment of him going there to check in on things. I apologise again for that but part of the purpose was the fact that I didn't want Tony to get there this time - it had already been confirmed OOCly by Pepper's player that she would be dying in this event and I thought it would be interesting to see Tony's reaction (with Pepper moreso than others because their relationship and how mutually awkward they are about their feelings and the shifting dynamic in their relationship) if he didn't get there on time and if he didn't manage to save the person he cares most about and relies on which is addressed in the revival thread (located here: http://la-esplanade.livejournal.com/70746.html?thread=6174298#t6174298) and there are still plans on for them to talk and have dinner which will hopefully be soon after Pepper gets her hearing back so they can actually discuss matters; I wanted Pepper to be the one to get the full reaction because she's still the person he's most comfortable showing his full feelings on the matter to.

I also forgot to say thank you for the crit and I'm reviewing things currently. There are plans in motion to get him more active and to delegate within the resistance with having team leaders within the sub-teams to handle it because that's the reason he has the sub-teams and I know that more than one character ICly wants and needs to talk to him about the resistance because of happenings in the event.

Next time something like this happens, I will make more concrete plans to have Tony more active in it but I have no plans to drop him as I do have fun with him but I'm never in the habit of posting a lot in games I'm in as I prefer to react to other players and I like to post when I have an idea that makes it open for everyone to get involved in as I worry about people feeling excluded because that means that RPing isn't fun for them.

Again, thank you for taking the time to crit me, I really do appreciate it!


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