Hellpointe Application

Jan 26, 2011 05:00


Player Info
Player Name: Elata
Player LJ: touchmy12inch
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle: AIM: RagingElata
Player Email: lolangels@live.com
Are you 18 years of age or older? Yep

Character Info
Character Name: Kristoph Gavin
Character’s Age: 32
Fandom: Ace Attorney
Timeline: Post-Apollo Justice
Appearance: Kristoph is always well-presented wherever he goes. His blond hair falls in a tight curl over his left shoulder. His blue eyes are always behind a pair of rimless glasses and his blue suit is well-kept (though the white shoes he wears with it absolutely don't match, what on earth was he thinking.)

Kristoph also takes very, very good care of his nails. He uses ridiculously expensive nail polish and while he recognises that some might find a man taking such good care of his nails a little odd, his reasoning is that 'one cannot live a beautiful life without beautiful nails'. On the subject of his hands, on the back of his right is an old scar that is usually invisible to the casual observer and is only seen upon closer inspection, or if you have 'kinetic vision' like Apollo Justice. When the hand tenses, an image of 'The Devil' appears. Where Kristoph got this scar, or why it has such a unique appearance, remains unexplained in canon much to my displeasure, but that's Capcom for you.

History: Wiki link

Personality: Kristoph is known as the Coolest Defence in the West, and not without reason. Calm, collected, professional and downright charming at all times, with a subtle if perhaps biting sense of humour, he can be a good friend to those on his good side - offering sound advice, such as to Phoenix Wright when the man was down on his luck. While not being what one could describe as a warm person, he appears to care for others - for example, his mentee Apollo Justice, whom Kristoph had taken under his wing and seems to genuinely care about his performance.

But that's all it is: an appearance. A skilful facade that he had managed to preserve for seven years, quite a feat in itself. He has proven himself pretty much incapable of caring about anyone else and being only too happy to manipulate every single person around him, even his younger brother, for his own ends, and ready to kill a young girl who was unaware of her part in his intricate plots. And they are very intricate: Kristoph is perfectly capable of biding his time, to wait for the opportune moment as it were, and plans for every eventuality (barring the ridiculous ones that he couldn't have foreseen - really, who would've anticipated Phoenix becoming a bamf like that?). He is an incredibly smooth liar and the lies just about roll off his tongue. He values control above almost all else.

However, for all his smoothness and so on... the reasons behind his long grudge are actually ridiculously petty. Kristoph takes rejection and defeat very hard indeed. He aims for perfection but not only that, he truly believes himself superior to all those around him. His breakdown in court made that apparent - he could not believe that his downfall would come at the hands of a jury, a panel of 'common' people. He does not forget a slight or insult. Ever. He can hide his irriation well (often the only sign is a flash of his glasses as he readjusts them) but mind your nail polish. To demonstrate just how well he hides his secrets, we have the example of the Magatama - Phoenix Wright uses this to break 'Psyche Locks' on people's hearts, allowing him to uncover their secrets. But Kristoph's locks are unbreakable -described as dark, cold, and full of despair.

It is very difficult to push Kristoph over the edge. He values control above almost all else. Loss of control is part of what drives him over the edge. When cornered, he squirms like some snake, seeking any loophole to escape his predicament. (And he would've done it too, if not for that meddling little brother.) Only when he finally has no way out will he break down and... what a sight that is. At the very last, his only outlet is maniacal laughter.

Powers/Abilities: Kristoph has no supernatural abilities or the like (unless his being a pure evil jerk could count as one), however, he is strong enough to kill a man with a single blow to the head. Otherwise, that's the extent of his physical strength. His true strength lies in his intelligence and cunning.

Limitations: No limitations for Kristoph since, as mentioned, he has no supernatural abilities.

Writing Samples
Log/Third Person Sample: Recycled from a previous application. I'll happily write another one if that's necessary.

This was quite a step down from what he'd been used to.

Before that final day in court, it had almost been like a short stay in a hotel. He'd had everything he could have asked for - filled bookshelves, armchair, a violin, even a vase of flowers. A home away from home of sorts. He was allowed to keep his pristine suit, to pamper himself. In fact, it had all been rather amusing on one level - imprisonment was no joke, to be sure, but this was practically luxury, all paid for by the state! It was fairly obvious that few people sincerely believed he could have killed that Shadi Smith. He'd thought it was merely a matter of time before he would find that one loophole, a gap to wriggle through and then he could once again work on his goal of ruining Phoenix Wright.

Or so it had been.

Now... well. The face staring back from the cracked and spotted mirror looked as if it belonged to a stranger, contorted not just by the mirror but by a scowl that he hadn't quite been able to smooth away just yet, not since he had seen his new living area. He'd been accustomed to keeping his hair in top condition, perfectly styled, glossy. It hung limply now, strands dangling in front of his eyes, he hadn't bothered to try doing anything with it all since that trial. And his eyes... he used to be able to fake a smile oh-so-easily, could even make the expression reach his eyes, those windows to the soul. If that were true, then what would someone see now? Thinly suppressed anger, perhaps - but suppressed all the same. A dancing light of madness in the back somewhere... he'd kept that hidden very well, for a very long time and the only people who had ever seen it were those that he thought could never touch him. The only thing truly familiar about this reflection was his pair of glasses, primly balanced on the bridge of his nose as usual. They offered the only barrier between that window and everyone else: for now, at least. He would reclaim that control.

He glanced down and the scowl intensified with distaste. This was the worst, the most unforgivable part, the thing that to him, at least, truly meant he was not himself. His nails, usually so carefully manicured and cared for, were dirty, grime already finding its way under them. What had he said to Wright? One cannot live a beautiful life without beautiful nails. A metaphor of sorts. Yes. And looking at the state of them now - it was not encouraging. It could only get worse. He clenched his right hand suddenly, feeling the nails bite into the flesh of his palm, knowing that he could expect to see little crescent ridges imprinted there. The old scar tensed. He didn't care. When he knew that the men responsible for his incarceration were happily going about their lives...

His brother. When he had done everything he could to help the younger Gavin, even after all that! And the same for Justice, all the work he'd put into mentoring that boy, only for it to be thrown right back in his face, it was nothing short of an insult. And Wright. Wright. He had heard that the man might be retaking the bar. It almost made his blood boil. The nails dug deeper.

He sucked in a breath. Let it out slowly. No. Even now, that would not do. Control. Right when it seemed all was lost, that was the time to remember what he had. He had his life, such as it was. And more importantly, he had time. He slowly loosened his fist, one finger at a time. That was right. All the time in the world to wreak his own version of justice.
Journal Entry/First Person Sample: A couple of Dear Mun links for your pleasure.

!hellpointe, !application, !ooc

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