A year ago today...

Mar 20, 2006 18:12

i just read melissa's post about her post from a year ago and decided to look back. I had no posts on March 20, 2005, but i did have on on March 21st. Here it is...

things that suck [21 Mar 2005|01:32pm]
On friday of the week before last, i found out my grandma was in the hospital...very sick.
On Last Monday, i found out it was cancer....of the lungs, pancreas, and kidneys.
Yes, all three
Yesterday morning at 5:00 a.m., she died in her bed at her house in Arkansas.
She is the first person in my family to die since i was born. death is hard.

i had a dream last night where i had something my grandma gave me that was very fragile. my dad asked to see it and then threw it on the ground. I freaked out. i haven't cried in a long time, but i did in my dream, and when i woke up, i was balling. i loved her. i don't want her to be gone. I am the only one wo didn't cry when i heard it....i don't know why, but it hit me in the night.

she was one of the best people in the world, and now shes gone.

In the first paragraph it says yesterday morning at 5 am, she died in her bed. I just realized that was a year ago today.

I don't think anyone else in my family realizes it except maybe my grandpa. I don't want to be the one that remembers.

I also realized that i didn't thank everyone formally for their support. Thank you all for your loving comments. rereading them today has made me realize how much love im surrounded by.
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